How did your day go?

Hi folks,

Today was the first day of my week-long induction into my new job, working as an Individual Support Worker in day services in a local autism charitable trust.  It was an interesting, if exhausting day.  We all got to introduce ourselves and talk about our experiences with autistic people.  I seemed to be the only one who'd worked in care for several years.  Many people were completely new to it.  It was great to see such enthusiasm, though, for working with people on the spectrum.  Most of the people we'll be working with are severely autistic and need 24-hour support.

I was also the only person there with an autism diagnosis, which I mentioned - and which generated a flurry of interest.  The trainers would often come to me for perspectives, and most people seemed generally keen to hear of my experiences both through working with autistic people and through my own personal experiences as an autistic person.  I think this is really going to be a great place to work!

I was anxious as hell over the weekend - mainly about the journey there.  I did a lot of planning, though (my car doesn't have sat-nav) and didn't get lost once, despite a lot of complicated city-centre navigation.  I have a hopeless sense of direction, and one wrong turning would have left me in Nightmare-land!  I feel so much better now!

How was everyone else's day today?


  • Spotttttttttyyy! You ok? You sound like your shell is crumpled? X

  • Oh dear Spotty. It is hard to say no especially when it's taken for granted the answer would be yes. The film isn't quite like anything I've watched before and it's quite intriguing.. trying something new! 

  • I didn't really decide to keep doing the garden, people presume and I don't know how to say no, also no other source of income. Enjoy the film, it sounds interesting. x

  • Thanks Spotty. Busy day for you. That's a lot of emails to work through. You decided to stick with doing that garden then. Would be a good contrast to emails. We had quite a bit of rain today so wasn't really an outdoor day.  Think I would have enjoyed the Bach on guitar too. Yes it does take a lot of time to keep up on here. My niece brought my dad back from my brother's today. So I made sure he had enough supplies in then made them lunch. After my niece left there was clearing up to do;sorting out the bleeping security;sorting out one of the tablets we tried to have Skype on but it's obselete now; listened to dads stories of his week. Think he'd had a good time. Now I'm trying out the film guardians of the galaxy.. ! 

  • You survived! Tuesday done! 

  • Glad it's going so well Tom! 

  • Hi Misfit, first half of the day was taken up dealing with my two email accounts with hundreds in both inboxes as I needed to find out if I was supposed to go to chair school tomorrow, thankfully I'm not. I've let go of the reins of trying to cope so much that everything is going a bit pear shaped. Gardening this afternoon for my now deceased client, then watching people play Bach on a bass guitar! How about you? The problem with here is it takes a lot of time to keep on top of.

  • So pleased for you.  I've survived my first day properly back at work since May, going into a new role.  Not sure the role is really 'me' (my old job was relocated so I had to take what was available) but it will pay the bills.

  • Hi Tom,

    I have been in 'hermit' mode and now catching up with many things i've missed. I am glad your new job seems to be all you had hoped! Its interesting that you have become the human version of the forum for the people there, being the only person with a diagnosis! I think you will be a great help to them! But don't let them wear you out!

    Due to new windows at work leading to me desk hopping every 2 hours or so, and a new family dog (A long story there) I have been trying to find some solitude and stability. So far I have found just enough to log on and write this, but I can already hear my children working towards world war 3 so it looks like I will be off to bring peace to my house again!

    Good luck for the rest of the week!

  • Hi tom sorry we took over your post!but hey it's not as if we aren't good mates Lol.just kidding,You are obviously a much liked and respected gentleman on here as we are drawn to you like a magnet.

    I came on here yesterday as soon as I got back from dropping my wife off at work,did a few replies and next thing I woke up in the dark with my phone ringing,uh must be wifey wanting picking up!22:00.

    Really made up for you with your new job,sounds very well suited to you. My eldest daughter is teacher training and hopes to eventually work with less abled children,She already worked as a volunteer at our local school,it was next to the main school and was for physically and mentally handicapped.

    She knows what it was like to be bullied and fall behind,no help or understanding from her teachers.She is diagnosed with dyslexia,amazing how much she has achieved thus far,currently working as teacher support at a preschool and attending college.

    Yes I am so very proud and yes I may mention it again but so inspiring. She has a natural ability to see potential in every child.

    I had a busy day running up and down steps shouting orders across to a digger driver! Varied work as usual,there are some tanks 3m high full of water,they are about 60m across,vegetation is growing in clumps on top of the water and we have to remove it with a 22ton digger,the driver cannot see his arm or bucket so I have to guide his every flipping frustrating every time we miss,like bobbing for apples.nearly finished and then onto a previous job put on hold until I was available,

    So a bit tired physically and mentally frustrated.ah well I shouldn't complain,

  • So pleased for you Tom. It sounds like you feel as comfortable as you can in a job It makes a huge difference to have good management and happy staff. And rare to find such a good attitude and support towards both staff and clients. And the counselling for staff is also rare so hope you find it helpful. 

  • Well... Day Two over, and so far so good.  Their approach and ethos is exactly what I've been looking for in a care organisation.  Basically, it's the approach that, in an ideal world, would be the standard.  Completely non-aversive.  Completely person-centred.  Pro-active, not reactive.  The fact that they focus solely on autism obviously helps, so the care is appropriately specialised.  They seem to look after their staff and offer some excellent benefits, including counselling if required (and including bereavement support).  The senior managers are all human beings!  The other staff, too, are really on the ball with autism issues.  Good stuff.  It's what we need!

  • hello Spotty how is your day going? It's quiet on here today with all the others at work. My dad is safely back and just trying help him sort out his security technology! 

  • Thanks Tom.

    38 replies! Oops....we must of overwhelmed Mr Warrior as well. Maybe that leaderboard was there to regulate over participation!

     It was good to squirrel myself into the safety of thus place when I got home yesterday...I must admit! 

  • Hey, thanks everyone!

    I was so tired I turned in early and didn't come onto the forum any more last night.  Imagine my surprise to see 38 replies!

    Not got chance to read them all - but 'great' to those of you who had good days.  'Keep your chin up' to those who had otherwise.

    Catch you all later

    Tom Slight smile

  • Have a good day, Mr Warrior...

    Up and over the wall again! Brave face painted, deep breaths had...and 3....2.....1!

  • GOod luck with Tuesday, Tom 

  • Ditto the ditto folks x