How did your day go?

Hi folks,

Today was the first day of my week-long induction into my new job, working as an Individual Support Worker in day services in a local autism charitable trust.  It was an interesting, if exhausting day.  We all got to introduce ourselves and talk about our experiences with autistic people.  I seemed to be the only one who'd worked in care for several years.  Many people were completely new to it.  It was great to see such enthusiasm, though, for working with people on the spectrum.  Most of the people we'll be working with are severely autistic and need 24-hour support.

I was also the only person there with an autism diagnosis, which I mentioned - and which generated a flurry of interest.  The trainers would often come to me for perspectives, and most people seemed generally keen to hear of my experiences both through working with autistic people and through my own personal experiences as an autistic person.  I think this is really going to be a great place to work!

I was anxious as hell over the weekend - mainly about the journey there.  I did a lot of planning, though (my car doesn't have sat-nav) and didn't get lost once, despite a lot of complicated city-centre navigation.  I have a hopeless sense of direction, and one wrong turning would have left me in Nightmare-land!  I feel so much better now!

How was everyone else's day today?


  • Hello ladies,very tired and hurting, I have a long term back problem,and today I pushed myself to much,born out of my own fault.

    My mood yesterday and today may be drug enhanced??

    For my back pain I take tablets every day,I can if needed take 8 codiene,2naproxen1 omeprozal.

    i only take 2 codiene as a rule as I don't want to take any,and you can become dependanton them,but when the pain gets bad I take more,there seems to be a mood change in me,I am more tearful,they make the body produce chemicals that mimick natural pain reducing chemicals called"endorphins" an opioid.basically makes the body produce morphine,may explain some issues.

    big hugs for the lack of big issues,

  • So do I...,3hours kip last you remember the theme tune from the film Rocky?

    nuff said xx

  • Hope you get some proper rest ready for tomorrow x

  • Glad it was a bit better with your charges back in the vacinity. I've been talking to Missy a little in the ASD/ADHD thread, apart from that yes it's quiet. Everyone obviously needs a rest. Lonewarrior has a point too above about this nested threading. It becomes hard work. x

  • Kids back today, so better. We have an amazing new start with ASD who I am keen to meet! But things churning already. Tired x 

  • Like you sometimes the evasive answer is best... got things churning away in my head. But thank you for asking. Was your day any better? 

  • Just had a quiet day catching up at home. 

  • Are you ok? How are things?

  • Hello Ellie Hope you have kicked off your shoes and put your feet up! Yes quiet day today.

  • Oh dear..,things seem very quiet! Does that mean a mid-week tired slump?

    hope all you lovely people are ok?

    the elephant is back in the room! 

  • We can cope with a flood and probably dont have insurance but I don't think you can. I don't believe in God as such, but I kind of prey that some devine justice will make things better for you. Your motivation is pure but it's diluted by the crappy system and I wish I could put a massive protective wall in place. Not the DT kind of wall. x

  • Hi Tom,

    That sounds like a good start to a new chapter in your life. My life has been chaotic but Today I am in the middle of a week off work. I really should not have pushed myself so hard and taken time off for stress, not helped by difficulty in seeing my gp. I am the same with car Journeys, although I have a sat nav for past several months. I think on one trip only, I depended on it to get me where I needed to be. I usually plan the route myself, and have been surprise on a few occaisions where sat nav has told me to take a wrong exit, generally at junctions where it takes many miles to get back on track.

    I wish my support worker was liike you, I am sure you will make a huge difference to their lives.I am at odds with the council, and have really burned bridges with them. I told council it was very important I feel the support worker is right, That didn't happen, although he was useful to make me start addressing my hoarding. Have sold over 90 items on ebay, but still buying, roughly about 30. It has taken a lot of effort.

    Today I have been stressed out with some purchased on ebay, Just found a seller in US with item I have been looking for years. She only ships to US, but my work has an office in US, so trying to ship it there. Just so many problems with ebay. Hopefully we have got over the worst.

    Best Wishes


  • Will do, lovely Blush 

  • Take care. Try to get some sleep x

  • Sorry's been a really difficult week, lots of tears and aloneness.. hope my mask holds up!? Sorry to burst that bubble of positivity guys.

    i've been spoilt by you lovely people over the summer so really reality is a whack round the face with a wet fish! 

    Sorry people...trying to keep out of things while I re-boot.

    so much I want to say...but in saying I open up myself, and in opening up myself I risk letting out a flood and I don't think we have the insurance for that.

    night night peeps x

  • Ok back home keypad still working,dear wife exhausted and fed up as more desks added in office,more obstacles to clean around.

    right getting fed up with this forum!I think lots of people are getting cross wired as replies keep popping up everywhere,quite often misunderstood.I am joining in but still cannot keep track of everything. It is not the people it is the way this software works,rubbish.being polite. I spend more time faffing about just trying to find stuff.I am not an imbecile I have used many types of forums,car based,tool based safety based,lots but none as rediculouse as thus one! And we the autistic are supposed to work out how it goes?

    most forums you write something! It appears with a number one more than the previous.if you want to reply to an older post you just say so or it appears before your writing as quoted. You quote it.type your words,move the bottom of each twenty replies is a line of small boxes 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc,click on last for the last post or to go back pick a number to bring up that page of replies. 

    On here everything is everywhere. Complete and utter rubbish,

    Sorry for the outburst but REALLY!

    calm! I think I have understood the new replies but things got a bit mixed up as we all type but answers do not always appear where they are supposed to.

    big sorry tom for ranting on your lovely thread.

    big hugs to all.

  • Caught and captured the hug - thank you!

    a safe word is a word that you use when the conversation gets a bit's a polite way of saying back off ..I can sometimes be too eager a puppy when it comes  to social interaction and step too far ...