How did your day go?

Hi folks,

Today was the first day of my week-long induction into my new job, working as an Individual Support Worker in day services in a local autism charitable trust.  It was an interesting, if exhausting day.  We all got to introduce ourselves and talk about our experiences with autistic people.  I seemed to be the only one who'd worked in care for several years.  Many people were completely new to it.  It was great to see such enthusiasm, though, for working with people on the spectrum.  Most of the people we'll be working with are severely autistic and need 24-hour support.

I was also the only person there with an autism diagnosis, which I mentioned - and which generated a flurry of interest.  The trainers would often come to me for perspectives, and most people seemed generally keen to hear of my experiences both through working with autistic people and through my own personal experiences as an autistic person.  I think this is really going to be a great place to work!

I was anxious as hell over the weekend - mainly about the journey there.  I did a lot of planning, though (my car doesn't have sat-nav) and didn't get lost once, despite a lot of complicated city-centre navigation.  I have a hopeless sense of direction, and one wrong turning would have left me in Nightmare-land!  I feel so much better now!

How was everyone else's day today?


  • I wish tom would give us an update,I worry to much,he just has a lot to focus on right now.

    well where to start regards my day? Very busy,very hectic very exhausting,and driving a digger again,bit smaller,a jcb,wheels like a tractor with bucket at front and digger arm at the back.

    I have been thinking a lot but doubt is creeping back in regards my self diagnosis,I am 100% convinced I am!,,,,,,,,But just how do I manage to do what I do? Driving me mad, I always say I am Mr Ben,he was a fictitious character on children's TV. He would walk to a costume shop each day dressed in pinstripe suite,bowler hat briefcase and umbrella, the shop keeper would ask him which costume he wanted to try on.he would choose say a cowboy outfit,and each time would go on an adventure being the the end of his adventure he changed back into his clothes and come out of the dressing room happy.

    So he assumed an identity and became that individual. I really think I do similar.if I dress very smart clean office type I can do meetings and greetings with top brass and stand up and talk to groups of strangers,if I dress down for manual work I feel quite at home getting dirty and mucking in with the lads,vocally as well,the wife knows if I am because my language becomes savoury.

    I will get through this but I see others struggling on here and don't feel worthy of saying I am autistic? I don't suffer enough! Yes I do suffer and yes every day is full of stress and challenges but I have lernt to adapt.

    therefore if I have overcome so much maybe there is hope for all,just need people like me to help out?

    Oh and missy you need not worry,I am to safety conscious to risk operating if I thought I wasn't right,thank you for being concerned though.

    Ellie you must be tired as so much to prepare for,it will all fall into place,let us know how you get on with the ASD child,he /she may surprise you?you might not get what you expect.

    Spotty we haven't chatted for ages,I want to apologise for not replying to several replies you made to me as I never saw them until recently,this flipping forum threads all over the place! I may have made some small comment about it before?

    Long term back pain is a pain but I get by mostly,I used to be unstoppable,outpacing everyone at work,shovelling etc.learnt the hard way,cannot see any end to it,I believe if the NHS gave me good physio it would be cheaper than years of medicine?

    enough,big () ? Nah big hugs, I hugged a work mate today for being so helpful,he is a big strong blokey bloke,he was ok with it,I had the urge so just went for it.oh yeah and I cried a bit earlier as I was telling an old workmates about how I found out about ASD,it still upset me,the feelings I had after reading it,grief,anger,fear,joy you know the usual.

  • Good to hear from you Lone.

    you are getting a reputation as a hug machine!

Reply Children
  • Rest! My wife is still at work and I am waiting for her to ring for a lift,she cleans a three floor office,I used to do it with her until new landlord/owner/business took over,not allowed to now. She works "to" hard,must be perfect.they don't care but she does,below minimum wage,goes in when they knock off,just her on her own,suits her well.

    thank you for caring missy,you try and have a stress free day,

  • Saying "my wife" is really lovely. You can hear your love and pride of/for her. It's nice hearing about her. My kind of lady too as I've done different sorts of crafts over the years. Your shed sounds great. Mostly you just sound tired so suggest you get some rest and hope you have a good day tomorrow. 

  • hi Ellie,I hid so much I think it must be why I have no childhood memories shed is my new hidey  hole,

    even my wife is getting a bench of her own,she already has a lathe for woodwork,she wants to restore furniture,as a hobby.she likes creating things,she has done most things over the years,lace making,decoupage,card making,sewing,dress making,crotchet,knitting, good girl my wife.calling her,"my wife sounds horrible?"what do the girls think I should say on here instead? Seriously she isn't my property!she is my LIFE.

  • Its good that you had some good safe hiding spaces. I liked sitting on the stairs too. We need our hiding places. Hugs a very individual thing. I think I like some hugs if they are on my terms. And some hugs are not long enough and they have to good firm hugs.  But close proximity, touch, other hugs I'm not so at ease with.  Every one of us will be different. 

  • In order of replies,Ellie,spotty and missy,hug,hug,hug,

    have a good day girls for ''tis Friday.soon.

  • Still have my hidey holes and rabbit holes!

  • Only guys though,hugs were a massive no no to me.i could not tolerate skin touch when young even from mum dad and siblings, I got ill once as a nipper,mum picked me up off the staircase(my favourite comfort spot)where I was crying with stomach pain,she put me between her and dad in their bed, I just turned to stone,it freaked me out,every time one of them moved I moved away,I eventually escaped and went and hid in the shoe cupboard under the stairs. My most favourite space.i had many Lol.