How did your day go?

Hi folks,

Today was the first day of my week-long induction into my new job, working as an Individual Support Worker in day services in a local autism charitable trust.  It was an interesting, if exhausting day.  We all got to introduce ourselves and talk about our experiences with autistic people.  I seemed to be the only one who'd worked in care for several years.  Many people were completely new to it.  It was great to see such enthusiasm, though, for working with people on the spectrum.  Most of the people we'll be working with are severely autistic and need 24-hour support.

I was also the only person there with an autism diagnosis, which I mentioned - and which generated a flurry of interest.  The trainers would often come to me for perspectives, and most people seemed generally keen to hear of my experiences both through working with autistic people and through my own personal experiences as an autistic person.  I think this is really going to be a great place to work!

I was anxious as hell over the weekend - mainly about the journey there.  I did a lot of planning, though (my car doesn't have sat-nav) and didn't get lost once, despite a lot of complicated city-centre navigation.  I have a hopeless sense of direction, and one wrong turning would have left me in Nightmare-land!  I feel so much better now!

How was everyone else's day today?


Parents Reply
  • Glad it was a bit better with your charges back in the vacinity. I've been talking to Missy a little in the ASD/ADHD thread, apart from that yes it's quiet. Everyone obviously needs a rest. Lonewarrior has a point too above about this nested threading. It becomes hard work. x

  • And sure...if you only  knew Sob 

  • No need chill out.

  • You've got new bricking it now....! 

  • Nice to hear you to,so mix naproxen and codiene=crazy hotheaded chilled dude,peace man.

    oh the old report button?.very interesting,I could tell you what happens! To the abuser.

    that's got you thinking eh?

    take care ellie.hug.

  • Btw just hit the report button by that could be interesting!

    nothing to report here! :) 

  • Hey you, druggie!

    my other half takes naxoproxen due to his back and knee pain (40 years in the motor trade and ex rugby player)... it makes him more grumpy and aggressive rather than tearful...

    maybe I need to slip him some codiene! Lol. Not that I am considering drugging my partner!

    Good to hear from you Mr W.

  • Hello ladies,very tired and hurting, I have a long term back problem,and today I pushed myself to much,born out of my own fault.

    My mood yesterday and today may be drug enhanced??

    For my back pain I take tablets every day,I can if needed take 8 codiene,2naproxen1 omeprozal.

    i only take 2 codiene as a rule as I don't want to take any,and you can become dependanton them,but when the pain gets bad I take more,there seems to be a mood change in me,I am more tearful,they make the body produce chemicals that mimick natural pain reducing chemicals called"endorphins" an opioid.basically makes the body produce morphine,may explain some issues.

    big hugs for the lack of big issues,