The Day In and Day Out 101 Chat Thread

If you are experiencing more divergent and less focused states of mind, day or night, and would just like to have a bit of a 'chat'; discuss a topic that just comes to mind or as becomes off-topic on another thread of posts ~ be welcome here to do so on this thread.

  • Misfit61 said:

    I'm slightly more of a science fantasy my nieces got me into Terry Pratchet and read Tolkien in my youth. 

    I read Tolkien in my preadolescence up to the point when Frodo put on the ring when the dark riders came along, which I was really excited about, but I really lost interest thereafter as the story theme was just repeating itself over again ~ long journey and big battle, long journey and big battle. I did read the whole lot through several years before the Lord of the Rings films came out, but I was quite bored again from the same point and aside from the spider, it was completely predictable. The Hobbit books and films though were fully appreciated and very much enjoyed. It was just a shame I was full up for the remainder ~ because apart from the formulaic problem; Tolkien's work really was a major achievement, and its inherent meanings are still becoming ever more relevant. In terms of the same relevance the books, films and television adaptations of Gulliver's Travels (Johnathan Swift), 1984 (George Orwell) and Gormenghast (Mervyn Peake) were really absorbing and societally elucidating for me also.

    The first book though of Terry Pratchett's I read was Small Gods, in my mid to late twenties, which I really got into along with the other disc world books later. All of them that I have read so far have made me laugh just so much and even too much. Terry Pratchett's delve into Sci-fi with Stephen Baxter to produce The Long Earth book as part of a series was really worthwhile in my opinion too.

  • What sort of books do you read, Spotty?

  • Love this, never actually read any Terry Pratchett, though I'm aware of it and watched the documentary on his dementia. I think I'd like it. He seemed like a very splendid human being. Need to get back to reading, it's one of the things I abandoned along with myself. Always found it hard to do in moderation though. 

  • Oddness and silliness seems to suit quite well x

  • Now that sounds familiar...

  • Rizzoli and Isles at the moment. Not at all like galaxies, architecture and art forms but does have science humour and oddness and silliness. 

  • Crikey...a bit too early in the week for an epiphany !

  • It does it does. I like the wierd witches and the Tiffany books too. 

  • Sounds intriguing...

  • Ahhh DIscworld. Pratchett's creation being....

    "The Discworld is the fictional setting for all of Terry Pratchett's Discworld fantasy novels. It consists of a large disc (complete with edge-of-the-world drop-off and consequent waterfall) resting on the backs of four huge elephants which are in turn standing on the back of an enormous turtle, named Great A'Tuin (similar to Chukwa or Akupara from Hindu mythology) as it slowly swims through space. The Disc has been shown to be heavily influenced by magic and, while Pratchett has given it certain similarities to planet Earth, he has also created his own system of physics for it."

    With a Misfit sculpting this marvelous new world!

    sound familiar?  

  • I will try it out on YouTube tomorrow extend my repertoire.. I'm slightly more of a science fantasy my nieces got me into Terry Pratchet and read Tolkien in my youth. 

  • Love the way they the authors surname has been censored. An abbreviation of case anyone was curious 

  • Guardian's of the Galaxy is a very good film. Not seen the sequel so no spoilers please!

    my favourite is still Bladerunner. Studied the philosophy of the book as part of my first degree.  - it's philosophical and existential themes. Love Phillip K ***.

    "I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

    Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

    I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

    All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

    Time to die."

    nuff said deep thought.



  • Nice to become immersed in a film you enjoy. I'm not a huge sci-fi fan but I like a lot of the elements in your list. Mine is more beauty of the earth than planets but a mix of different things going on is good. I hope the new film is as good. My film choices these days are much lighter than when I was younger. 

  • Potential happiness and joy session tonight or soon perhaps. I really really enjoy watching sci-fi films with beautiful galaxies, planets, environments, architectures, vessels, life-forms and technology stuff with a good bit of seriousness, romance, cuteness, oddness, humour and silliness being involved. There was a film doing all this all the way (as far I was concerned) called Guardians of the Galaxy ~ a couple of years back which became one of my all time favourites, and I got the sequel to it today, and I am really intrigued to see if the film makers have done a good job of it . . .

  • Morning all! Last day of the summer holidays today - back to work and school tomorrow.  In not doing much today as I wore myself out yesterday with 2 services at church and a concert to attend in between.

  • For A Happy Monday Or Any Other Day Of The Week

    Always keep safe and secure in mind that its better by far to be half left than it is to be all right ~ for if you are all right that means you have to hop everywhere and may risk toppling over somewhere! ;-)

  • Glad I wear a name badge at work...otherwise I would be totally lost as to who I am meant to be!

    now, where did I put  it?? Morning, and Happy Monday people! 

  • Morning everyone. I have memory issues too. I put sticky notes up around the house or put things in the wrong place so that I have to remember why. I too get people's life stories muddled on here and also noticed people's kindness in accepting answers not quite as intelligent or intellectual. So I read the posts think about writing something then decide I would spoil what's there already. But there is hopefully room for us all! You look after us Lonewarrior and care about everyone which we can all see so thank you for that. Just as Deepthought is doing by startling this thread.  I am about today if anyone wants to chat. Thank you

  • Thank you spotty,deepthought may I thank you for adjusting your reply to me,not being down on myself but I really do notice how some higher thinkers than me adjust there replies to suit me on here.honestly it is noticeable but also very nice! Sounds daft but factual,in normal life higher thinkers make sure I know they are.

    on here it is very nice to see everybody adjust to each other, again not putting myself down but I have read some of your posts and when you and tom and Ellie get going I just sit back and enjoy the moment,it is reassuring to know just how diverse we all are.

    I suppose on this digital platform our speech and verbalisation is unknown,our ability to construct sentences is hidden as we creep off looking for that word that escapes us,and predictive text can quite often hide our abilities.My little memory joggers were unknown till now,I even write memory joggers in my daily site diary,hot day/very wet,very gusty winds, I also put little joggers at the bottom about insignificant things.

    I am more likely to remember if I write things down myself as the letters become pictures which are stored differently for retrieval.Especially as all my writing is in BLOCK CAPITALS as small letters vary to much depending in what order they are used in a word, my mind is like a hard disk drive! That has never been defragmented,thousands of tiny bits of info scattered all over the place and not in any order,makes retrieval nigh on impossible.

    well I was going to start a post but looks like I have took over this one.

    Anyone got something happy or cheerful to write.

    better try and sleep as up at 6:00am for work.