Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • recombinantsocks said:

    I don't think you are doing anything wrong.

    Strangely enough ~ I did not think I was doing anything wrong either, although when it comes to using computers it is no way surprising or shocking that I do get things wrong.

    recombinantsocks said:

    I'm not sure that @webpm sees what we can't see.

    I think an analogy of asking for a microscope and being given a telescope that is instead a kaleidoscope ~ seems to some extent more relevant here perhaps. Bless @WebPM for all the assistance he offers, as informing us of what this website formatting does do when so often we need something that is functionally appropriate for people with A.S.D. ~ I just do not see how this could possibly be an easy job for any well meaning person.

    recombinantsocks said:

    Each of the options from that Questions page just leads to a list of threads that one has some involvement with. It doesn't take you to one's actual posts in those threads. i.e. It takes me to a thread with perhaps 100 posts in it but I have to sift through that 100 posts to find the ones from the user that I am looking at.

    Incredibly inconvenient and inefficient really . . .

  • You are not aloooonnne! :) we are all hiding behind the sofa ready to jump out at you!!!

    On a serious note, I agree it can feel quiet isolating thinking that you're the only one on this planet.

  • Would it be possible to have a box somewhere showing who is online? I feel like I am the only one here! No recent threads.

  • Slight smile

    i look more like my profile picture....which helps! One look at me and there know that I'm not quite right! 

  • I don't think you are doing anything wrong. I'm not sure that @webpm sees what we can't see. Each of the options from that Questions page just leads to a list of threads that one has some involvement with. It doesn't take you to one's actual posts in those threads. i.e. I t takes me to a thread with perhaps 100 posts in it but I have to sift through that 100 posts to find the ones from the user that I am looking at.

  • Thank you Caretwo I appreciate your reply. 

  • Misfit61 said:
    It seems to me that there is more than one reason people join this forum

    Agreed, which is why I suggested a choice (on/off) and an 'on' default seemed natural to me. Some people want to have on-topic threads, others do not and others do not mind a mix (and people will move between those groups).

    I like to keep on top of any threads etc. that I am interested in and turning off notifications and replacing them with looking at the site would not work for me.

    I accept you do not like being boxed in; I do not like having to wade through e-mails/posts which I do not consider relevant. Neither is wrong.

    I tried to suggest something which I thought would help us all.

    Although I would rarely, if ever, visit a dedicated free-for-all general chit-chat area, I like the idea. Perhaps that is the best way.

  • Hi Missfit

    I think that a general social thread might be a good idea and I know these threads all get very busy and can be hard to follow at the best of times. 

  • What are you saying sorry for Ellie? 

    Caretwo. It seems to me that there is more than one reason people join this forum and although we do have things in common our characters will be varied. You have spoken about the threads keeping on topic several times. So I realise this is something which is important to you. I also accept that on some topics there is a need for seriousness and to keep on topic especially if looking for information or counsel and in those instances it would be a good idea to select keep on topic. However in most conversations it is unnatural to stay on topic. And how do you decide what is relevant to that topic or not? I am not in favour of the default to being stay on topic but yes to being able to select to stay on topic if the person starting the thread wishes it. Conversations ebb and flow from a topic. It is the free flowing relaxed nature of this forum which attracts me and makes me feel at ease ( which I do not have anywhere else).  I do not feel comfortable being confined to a topic or thread because it just feels like another way someone else is imposing what they think my behaviour should be. I understand your desire to have less emails popping up but you could be in control of that by choosing not to receive them but looking at your convenience if you wished to. 

    I am not disagreeing with you to be awkward or to upset you but I did want to point out that I have trouble staying focused on a set subject and doesn't feel like the natural flow of a conversation and this makes me uncomfortable.  I don't like being boxed in. I'm sure there must be a way to give you the structure you need and the informality that I need but as to how that would be achieved is a conundrum. 

    I suspect this stems from my other ND ( random, blurting, impulsive side) but I don't know so. I am trying hard to answer carefully so I do hope you won't be offended by my alternative view. 

    I do think a list of the threads contributors is a good idea. 

    Maybe we need a dedicated free for all general chitchat area where we can meet and greet and say goodnight for the day with those we connect with and those not private messaging. 

  • NAS8954 said:
    The first is an indicator, set by the thread's creator, to show whether off-topic posts are welcome.

    - Sorry

  • To help me (and, hopefully, others) decide whether to subscribe (or continue to subscribe) to a thread I would like to see two new features.

    The first is an indicator, set by the thread's creator, to show whether off-topic posts are welcome. The default should be that postings are to be on topic.

    Secondly, a list of a thread's contributors.

    These features would also have the benefit of reducing the number of unnecessary e-mails in an inbox and allow people more time to actually participate in the community.

  • WebPM said:

    The Questions/Threads tab shows his updates only.

    The Questions/Threads tab only shows a third of 'recombinantsocks' posts on the first page, with the remaining two thirds being other peoples posts. What am I doing wrong?

  • Bit twin set and pearls for me and I never wear a watch!

  • Maybe it is what a Spotty looks like when you remove its shell?

  • stop reminding me of work...and YES that is me (give or take a few photographic filters and a body double!) LOL....

    Who the bloke is, I have NO idea!!? 

  • At last! I wondered just what you looked like ellieThinking

    or is that the usual Friday when the school kids have gone home?

  • In case anyone  hasn't seen it, there's a thread about requesting friendship, where your questions are hopefully answered. Trust this helps.

  • Nobody puts Spotty on a Leaderboard - to misquote Patrick Swayze 

  • Ha ha! I was getting sick of the sight of myself there :)