Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • If you still can't upload your image, please check that it is not too large (the limit is 1MB) and that it is a JPG, PNG or GIF.

    Thank You very very very  much, Mr. WebPM --- again!

  • Thank webPM for answering, Yes I do get frustrated, I apologise for my rather harsh tone but it was beginning to look like no one was being listened too.

    So my images may be to big? Ok I will see if I Can master the art of file size manipulation. Using an iPad uh oh, bring back windows xp! Stretch and skew reduce by 50% save as edited job done, 

    I think it was the sudden inability to post pictures after it seemed all ok before?

    And the random ability to post an image one day and not the next as mentioned above. Very frustrating as being a ramble Lol. I write so very much,add a picture and it freezes! Then to stop it and clear the floating “sending” box I have to refresh ,loosing all my thoughts ! 

    Thank you for your hard work with trying to deal with a dysfunctional product ()Wink

  • We are still listening, but it will take time to work on points made. We're still working on something to help you with locating new posts in a thread. News of that early in the New Year.

    The list of attachment types is a bit ridiculous for our purpose. I've pruned it rather heavily, to some basic image types. If you still can't upload your image, please check that it is not too large (the limit is 1MB) and that it is a JPG, PNG or GIF.

  • not sure what happened to either head!! - never mind....a vision in polyester none the less!

    Merry Sith-mas!

  • Why thank you spotty! I aim to please,unlike the folks from admin who say they do.

    This particular thread was put here by them to help find faults and to give suggestions!

    I wanted to post one with my mug showing but no doubt it would breach the RULES in some way?

    ( my mug looks a bit like the one on my jumper Lol)


  • JoyOk handOk handOk hand Very fetching Mr Warrior! x

  • And as I am on a roll with posting pictures, off topic picture for testing purposes. Me in my party Xmas jumper.

  • So that is what appears, it locks out, anything written with the picture is warranted useless as it will not post. You have to refresh to clear it.

     Many thanks for your interest.

    67 file extensions that are accepted! 

  • So still no reply to my query!

    I am about to try and post a screen captured image(jpg) to hear, let’s see if it works? It is the orange box of “forget it,no way” that appears top right when trying to send pictures to PM environment.

  • Disallowed Cynosure wrote:

    (I am typing directly into the teeny REPLY box, here, and so excuse my use of capital letters, please.)

    It would certainly remove one cause of eye-strain here if the teeny Reply box was the same size when typing as when seen on the page once posted, or if not at least the same size text perhaps?

    Disallowed Cynosure wrote:

    So I, at least, am in favour of THREE new buttons:

    - Load All (like the Previous and Next Buttons

    -To Bottom (near the top)

    - Back To Top (at the bottom/end)

    Motion seconded, by my upvote above too.

  • Me again. The other troubles were changing colours to/of the Site, and what is going on with posting PICTURES. I know too ittle about these to attempt much question or opinion...

    (...And note that the main line is still back to "Martian Tom", which is why I appreciate the lines, too.)

  • I would like a 'Load All' function myself

    (I am typing directly into the teeny REPLY box, here, and so excuse my use of capital letters, please.)

    ...By Gadfrey, that is an excellent idea! I would not have thought of it, since the Internet stresses me and I DID want to very much keep the "Load Next/Previous" business introduced recently. It would be great if this was a a button similar to those!

    So I, at least, am in favour of THREE new buttons:

    - Load All (like the Previous and Next Buttons

    -To Bottom (near the top)

    - Back To Top (at the bottom/end)

    ...I cannot think of much more than that, and may post another reply after this one...

  • Now that was what came up top right just now, and now it is here?

    sort this out please or say why it is so random.

     Yes I am a bit miffed as when it doesn’t allow it the whole typed document gets deleted! I tend to ramble and a lot of effort on my part is wasted when I finally finish typing and it doesn’t work,

  • Try again as it did post at my first post but I deleted it.not on the second attempt?

  • picture post test!

  • I was asking why posting pictures on the forum sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t?

    Same picture as well. 

    I just tried and it is working now!

    yesterday trying with the same picture/ file it just came up with an orange box top right, error contact admin or try again. Well something like that.

    In PM area no pictures can be posted, has this option now been disabled?

    many thanks, 

    I did ask before twelve days ago. Still no answer.

    Has the file size allowed been changed, 

    And yes it took me many minutes to get right down here, can we not have say ten posts and give it a page number at the bottom?

    like this 1 2 3 4 5>.     <6 7 8 9 10>

  • caretwo wrote:

    I agree that the presentation of posts is a mess and it needs sorting; all this 'Load Previous' and 'Load Next' really annoys me and there are times when I just give up on threads (particularly new threads where I have not requested notifications).

    I would like a 'Load All' function myself if not a more orderly state of affairs ~ classic though that the science of technology was going to make everything so easy . . . Rolling eyes

  • Sometimes there is a delay in notifications.

    Remember this site is autistic Joy