Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Hello Mods. I see there have been changes on the layout.. it was unexpected and would have been nice to have some warning especially seeing that us aspies aren’t good at surprises. I haven’t looked around properly but am disappointed you have removed the number of views a thread has had and how many responses. Quite often I’m very tired and though would like to respond more, I just don’t have the energy. Therefore it’s good to see that a post has a reply without having to open it and also if there is recent activity on it. 

    The other thing is... what are the lines on the side of the posts? They are really distracting and would like them removed unless they have a functional purpose. 


  • Interesting discussion. What we've done is to install a standard upgrade to the forum software (which is also a standard, off-the-shelf package). That was principally intended to improve the Questions/Activity lists in users' profiles, so that they related more obviously to the user whose profile you are viewing. What do you think? Are they more like you would expect?

    We've also (I hope) fixed the issue with losing my message text when signing in to post it. Again, do you agree?

    So, the standard upgrade appears to have removed some information from the mobile view, in ways that I confess I didn't notice when testing. Mea culpa. We'll take a look.

    The lines (again, added as standard, not specifically by us) are to help you read the indentation/threading. So, my reply, 's and 's are all directly to 's post of 28 November, but then we have some that are replies to the replies, and get indented more. I know that this way of displaying messages is something that not everyone prefers.

  • Interesting discussion. What we've done is to install a standard upgrade to the forum software (which is also a standard, off-the-shelf package). That was principally intended to improve the Questions/Activity lists in users' profiles, so that they related more obviously to the user whose profile you are viewing. What do you think? Are they more like you would expect?

    We've also (I hope) fixed the issue with losing my message text when signing in to post it. Again, do you agree?

    So, the standard upgrade appears to have removed some information from the mobile view, in ways that I confess I didn't notice when testing. Mea culpa. We'll take a look.

    The lines (again, added as standard, not specifically by us) are to help you read the indentation/threading. So, my reply, 's and 's are all directly to 's post of 28 November, but then we have some that are replies to the replies, and get indented more. I know that this way of displaying messages is something that not everyone prefers.

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