Online Community - Comments, Improvements and Feedback

Dear Community,

We were pleased to see so many comments about the community on the recent thread about the Leader Board. We are always wanting to learn more about how we can develop the community and so have locked the previous thread so that all comments and suggestions about general improvements to the community can now be placed here on this thread.

Please comment here on any ideas, improvements or feedback you have about the Online Community. 

Please note that although we take on board all your ideas, we may not be able to implement all of them.

As always, please be kind and respectful when commenting to each other.


NAS Moderators

  • Top of my list is that beeping leaderboard and I notice that as the vote thread was locked to be replaced by this thread, that one has slipped into the background so people may not be seeing it, the vote isn't closed yet, please vote to get rid of the leaderboard people!

    It has been said before, but I cannot see that it serves any useful purpose and makes it appear like some kind of competitive sport being on here. Elephant and I have only been here a couple of months and are in the top three, we have no authority and are less experienced than many others on here, just our own sweet selves to offer.  So what are we leaders in even, no one appears to know, pointless.

    That brings me to the points system, no idea what that's about either, it seems a bit arbitrary, can we not just have 'number of posts' and how long they've been a member?  It's easier to get a sense of where someone is like that, or maybe someone has a better idea...

    I also agree with those above who would like a 'like' button on all contributions instead of the slightly strange 'vote up/down', which is again kind of competitive and feels uncomfortable. 'Like' would be much more gentle and useful to indicate you've read something if you don't have enough energy/spoons to respond another way.  Thank you for listening and your hard work Mods. 

  • One thing for sure the points cannot be for length of one initial post or I would be king of the board? In fact when I was posting lots I never got on the leaderboard? .I don't want to be on it but just trying to find out what those points are for? I actually asked the mods and got no reply?

    So come on folks please vote one way or another.

  • Well, as for keeping the Leader Board, the votes came in at

    5 % . . . Yes

    21 % . . Don't Mind Either Way

    71 % . . No

  • I don't get how I've got so many points.....thought it might be that I usually type, hit reply....then realise I've made a typo...correct it and the hit reply to post my I getting double-bubble?

  • Hi and ,

    I will pass your queries on to the Community Manager, who should be able to address them for you.

    Best wishes,


  • All valid 'points' Lone! Please Mods, can we have some explanation what is going on with the votes and why some people aren't appearing on the leader board and some are? And make it go away.

    I hope you are asleep now Mr Warrior as you appear to have been fretting over all this in the middle of the night.

  • So if I have achieved 891 points then I should be between Daniel at number 4 with 772 points and spotty tortoise at 3 with 1154 points,I am number 3.5? Still no further forward on the silly leader board.

  • Well after fishing around it seems I now know what the points are for.

    I noticed if you go to for instance my profile! It will have a total points score, if you click on the number i.e. Points 886 it will bring up every reply I have made and every thread I created.

    so for replying to a thread you get=5 Points.

    creating a new thread=7 Points.

    simple as that. So I have replied to 159 threads.159x5=795.

    I have created 13 threads,13x7=91.

    Total 886.

  • Well after fishing around it seems I now know what the points are for.

    I noticed if you go to for instance my profile! It will have a total points score, if you click on the number i.e. Points 886 it will bring up every reply I have made and every thread I created.

    so for replying to a thread you get=5 Points.

    creating a new thread=7 Points.

    simple as that. So I have replied to 159 threads.159x5=795.

    I have created 13 threads,13x7=91.

    Total 886.
