Problems Using Forum

I have TWICE tried to post a reply in the thread about the recent documentary, dealing with children excluded fro school.

I hit the reply button after finishing typing, but the forum skin and controls are sometimes very slow and inadequate, and the connection between the reply button and making the post was not made. The reply simply spun and spun, and failed to load.

It's hard work and commitment for nothing.

Can someone look into this technical deficiency, and see if a resolution or improvement is possible. Thanks. The emoticons are not loading either lol

Parents Reply
  • I wish!  There are loads of keyboard shortcuts.  If you know them all, you hardly ever need to use the mouse.  I touch-type, so in Word I use the shortcuts all the time.  CTRL+I for italics, CTRL+B for bold, CTRL+U for underline, CTRL+E for centre, CTRL+X for cut.  You'll find a full list in the Word Help menu.

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