What is Alpha Stim?

Have just read a post on twitter on @AutismForthVal saying using something called Alpha Stim Cranial Electrotherapy is useful for people with autism.

Very worried, this appears to be a legitimate site of government funded autism support.

Is this site and its facebook page legitimate? I looked up this Dr. Lorene Amet online, don't want to say too much on here, you can google for yourselves. Can this be legitimate?

What is this Alpha stim? I do not want to be forced to get some therapy. I do not want to be cured or have government agencies supporting these strange therapies for autism. Also worried as this site follows Autism Speaks (very controversial organisation in the autism community) and no autism rights organisations or autism rights campaigners.

Anyone know what is going on with this organisation. Is it real?

Am pretty worried. Please help.

  • I don't know anything about these therapies so I can't really comment, but to be honest with you, it doesn't sound legit to me. Please try not to worry; it is horrible hearing about these scary so-called "cures" but in any case, no one can force you to do anything you don't want to do.

  • I don't know anything about these therapies so I can't really comment, but to be honest with you, it doesn't sound legit to me. Please try not to worry; it is horrible hearing about these scary so-called "cures" but in any case, no one can force you to do anything you don't want to do.

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