CRP test

Has anyone ever had this done before? I am getting one done. It is a test to test for inflammation anywhere in the body. Apparently autistic people frequently score highly on this test as autism has something to do with inflammation supposedly. I wonder if I will score something in this test? I don’t believe I have ever had it done before. I suspect I will score some kind of above average result to be honest. But I believe it can be quite hard to get a test for CRP as it isn’t done routinely I guess it must cost more money than other more general blood tests. I was reading what autistic people on Reddit were saying about the CRP test and they all scored fairly high for inflammation but started a gluten free diet and dropped down to nearly normal CRP levels. They described their autism symptoms as a lot better like everything was totally different for them and the way they viewed the world. Strange. Is there some truth to all of this? I dunno, what do yous all think? Anyway if it turns out I do have inflammation because hell I probably do I mean it would be high because it’s me and that’s just my fate that I would score a high result and everything. But yeh anyway I wouldn’t want to follow a strict diet or anything because I like gluten and dairy even though it causes inflammation. I would rather just be given anti inflammatory medication or something if that was the case. But yeh I am jumping way down the line here I haven’t even done the test yet lol.