Panic attacks

Hey all

Just wanted to ask for any feedback about panic attacks. I won’t bore anyone too much but I had suffered with quite severe panic attacks for probably 30 years. I always used to think this was because of general anxiety, strange thing is for the last 8-10 months and have been panic free. This is not that long after my realisation that I am indeed autistic and started my journey of wading through my past and trying to figure myself out. This has been painful and I have been very desperate at times. I have been seeing a therapist for quite a while now and she is also neurodivergent. We talked about these attacks and through some clear detective work she suggested to me that the panic I suffered was not through fear of a panic attack but seemed to be a meltdown response. I now believe that the attacks happened to stop me from socialising and putting myself in an uncomfortable situation. Has anyone else looked at it in this way before? 
This sounds quite strange I know but I have never been free from this for as long as I have now and it seems to be too much of a coincidence. 
Or maybe I’m just completely losing my mind who knows with this rollercoaster journey. 

Thanks in advance 

  • Hi, I suffered panic attacks for years since my late teens. As a child I just run away and hide. In my early teens I started having terrible disruptive meltdowns at home straight after school. I didn’t get any help I was just told by my family that I’m stupid. I figured out on my own how to avoid the trigger and calm down. My reactions were related to noise and sometimes also other kind of stress but noise lights or crowds were always present as one of the reason. I have never had panic attack at home before I got my child. My nearly 3 years old daughter makes a lot of noise and when angry, screams so much that this sound drills through my brain. I started having panic attacks at home. This was very clear, as I also tried to figure out what’s wrong, I thought I might have diabetes, or heart problems, I was told it’s a depression (by a psychiatrist) and I was also told I’m making this up for attention while I really suffered. Since I started suffering at home I bought earplugs and figured out in which situations it’s good to use them. No meds needed, as I was already fed quite much medicine throughout my whole life and nothing really helped. It’s just my case, yours may be something different, good that you consulted it with a doctor. So it turns out my reaction may be a response to stress and stimuli. Other reaction that magically vanished after using earplugs are my tics. I’m not diagnosed but recently I really good psychiatrist who I saw said that I would have benefited from having a diagnosis and therapy. My panic attacks feel like: endangered, irritated, attacked by too much from the environment, heart palpitations, head spinning, inability to think clearly, short and fast breathing. I also had sometimes my hands stiffen but this turned out to be lack of calcium. I took calcium and this symptom vanished, all the other were there. All this in situations where I was not endangered and there was nothing to fear of logically. I hope it helps a bit. Remember, taking or going off any meds should be consulted with the specialist, just saying in case someone thinks it always works same for everyone. 

  • Hi, I suffered panic attacks for years since my late teens. As a child I just run away and hide. In my early teens I started having terrible disruptive meltdowns at home straight after school. I didn’t get any help I was just told by my family that I’m stupid. I figured out on my own how to avoid the trigger and calm down. My reactions were related to noise and sometimes also other kind of stress but noise lights or crowds were always present as one of the reason. I have never had panic attack at home before I got my child. My nearly 3 years old daughter makes a lot of noise and when angry, screams so much that this sound drills through my brain. I started having panic attacks at home. This was very clear, as I also tried to figure out what’s wrong, I thought I might have diabetes, or heart problems, I was told it’s a depression (by a psychiatrist) and I was also told I’m making this up for attention while I really suffered. Since I started suffering at home I bought earplugs and figured out in which situations it’s good to use them. No meds needed, as I was already fed quite much medicine throughout my whole life and nothing really helped. It’s just my case, yours may be something different, good that you consulted it with a doctor. So it turns out my reaction may be a response to stress and stimuli. Other reaction that magically vanished after using earplugs are my tics. I’m not diagnosed but recently I really good psychiatrist who I saw said that I would have benefited from having a diagnosis and therapy. My panic attacks feel like: endangered, irritated, attacked by too much from the environment, heart palpitations, head spinning, inability to think clearly, short and fast breathing. I also had sometimes my hands stiffen but this turned out to be lack of calcium. I took calcium and this symptom vanished, all the other were there. All this in situations where I was not endangered and there was nothing to fear of logically. I hope it helps a bit. Remember, taking or going off any meds should be consulted with the specialist, just saying in case someone thinks it always works same for everyone. 

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