He do I close my account

Csn someone talk me step by step on how to close my account I dont want it to be sudden I want to do it when I'm ready sort of thing

Its nothing too bad o just want to spend less time online and forums ect are temptations to do the opposite is If i close the account therws not the temptation 

I appreciate all the chat and advice I've had but I'm moving along with things now plus I have started to talk to plenty of people at work about things 

I dont really need my posts deleting just my account username and picture as I have not posted anything I'm not ok with staying on here as I've been careful not to identify my self or others 

I hope you all continue to support each other and ignore all the nasty people out there who refuse to understand us 

And if anyone reading this is feeling bad remember autism isnt a bad thing it just means we have different strengths and weakness to other people and we need to cope with our sensory issues that is all

Anyway yeah if someone can guide my through the deletion process what I need to do and heo and who I need to contact ect 

Thank you everyone it's been a pleasure chatting and a great help to understand things more