I can't go out by myself

I can't leave the house by myself. The last time I did was probably in 2020 when lockdown was about.. I don't know how to fix this. I don't know what I'm scared of exactly but I hate this feeling.

One of my hobbies is photography but my social phobia has stopped me from leaving my house and I can't do that hobby often anymore. I don't have friends I can go out with, I don't have anybody who I am comfortable enough with to go out for walks with but that's not the point. I want to be able to go out by myself again and do my photography I just don't know how.

  • I dont have any friends I can see or go put with either and I understand the not haveing anyone comfortable enough to go out for walks thing also.

    I used to be like you never left the house aswell back in 2013 and 2014 but that was cause of alot of transitions and I had a traumatic event back in 2013 that took a year to recover from both physicaly and emotionaly and it still afects me on a emotional level but physicaly have recovered in the long term though and before that though I ised to go out and I did want to go out but cause of the social anxiety plus depression I was stuck. I had developed and been diagnosed with both depression and a phobia of going out of the house and being around people at this time period 

    so spent a whole year in my room never going out and even going out to see my family and was alao scared of people and found them un predicatable.

    it was a phobia related to going out in the outside world and socialisation. but I do have an Anxiety disorder anyway as part of my Autism. Iv have allways had a good reputation for being a good friend but the friends I had wernt good ones and i eventualy lost them all and didnt have there numbers or adresess anymore  either after leaving school and college

    but theres no point having friends that wont be good friends to you and its important to pick wisely this is what I learned from it.

    making and keeping friends can be diffucult and  I  dont have any to go out with but cause I have also been through a similar thing to you in the sense of not gping out at all I might have some advice.  

    I took setroline for both my Anxiety and depression which helped me with the anxiety and still do. but it wasnt just the medication it was that I did want to go out again and it was that deaire that got me out in the end even though it felt impossible cause of my phobia at the time. 

    I didnt come out strait away it was a geadual process and I did it in my own time. first I dont usualy like being in situations that require socialisation and prefer engaging in photography on my own. I do go out with someone cause I have a learning disability and the ones that take me out sometimes Im not comfortable with but they let me go off on my own and exaplore and take pictures.

    I started with places that had no people or that people dont visit much and that are usualy quiet and not very noisy and then geadualy work up to places where you might run into a few people but that you can eacqpe from if you get anxious. dont exspect to be social phobia free just like that it takes time 

  • I dont have any friends I can see or go put with either and I understand the not haveing anyone comfortable enough to go out for walks thing also.

    I used to be like you never left the house aswell back in 2013 and 2014 but that was cause of alot of transitions and I had a traumatic event back in 2013 that took a year to recover from both physicaly and emotionaly and it still afects me on a emotional level but physicaly have recovered in the long term though and before that though I ised to go out and I did want to go out but cause of the social anxiety plus depression I was stuck. I had developed and been diagnosed with both depression and a phobia of going out of the house and being around people at this time period 

    so spent a whole year in my room never going out and even going out to see my family and was alao scared of people and found them un predicatable.

    it was a phobia related to going out in the outside world and socialisation. but I do have an Anxiety disorder anyway as part of my Autism. Iv have allways had a good reputation for being a good friend but the friends I had wernt good ones and i eventualy lost them all and didnt have there numbers or adresess anymore  either after leaving school and college

    but theres no point having friends that wont be good friends to you and its important to pick wisely this is what I learned from it.

    making and keeping friends can be diffucult and  I  dont have any to go out with but cause I have also been through a similar thing to you in the sense of not gping out at all I might have some advice.  

    I took setroline for both my Anxiety and depression which helped me with the anxiety and still do. but it wasnt just the medication it was that I did want to go out again and it was that deaire that got me out in the end even though it felt impossible cause of my phobia at the time. 

    I didnt come out strait away it was a geadual process and I did it in my own time. first I dont usualy like being in situations that require socialisation and prefer engaging in photography on my own. I do go out with someone cause I have a learning disability and the ones that take me out sometimes Im not comfortable with but they let me go off on my own and exaplore and take pictures.

    I started with places that had no people or that people dont visit much and that are usualy quiet and not very noisy and then geadualy work up to places where you might run into a few people but that you can eacqpe from if you get anxious. dont exspect to be social phobia free just like that it takes time 

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