What have you been up too today?

I've had a long walk with my dog, then I went and tried to find something to tell my DiL to get me for xmas, she wants our lists early so as she can do her financial planing. I've been to the library and the garden centre, where I got a pack of free daffodil bulbs.

I think tomorow will be spent gardening

  • Same old story work till late and might play some civ 6 

  • I don't have a garden, but this sounds like a good thing.


  • I've been reading a comic novel called "46% better than Dave"

    It's about a guy called Dave Brookman, and opens with new neighbours moving into the house next door to him. The new guy next door is also called Dave Brookman, is the same age, and grew up in the same town, but seems to be more successful than the original Dave (own business, better car, ex-model wife, brainy kids, etc). Dave 1 creates a spreadsheet populated with various measures of success (as he sees them) and gives him and Dave 2 scores for each, then calculates that Dave 2 is 46% more successful than him. This leads to jealousy and resentment and much strange behaviour and odd things happening, as he tries to  compete with Dave 2, much to the distress of his wife who was quite content with how things were.

    A funny and heartwarming story.

  • FM, not a good start to the day I sympathise it feels like it never rains but pours.

    HB I've planted my new bulbs and some reduced violas in some tubs in the front garden. I was going to trim my hebe's but I couldn't find the sheers, no matter where I looked, my fried had sharpened them and put them away, I knew he'd sharpened them but not put them away, he never puts things away!

    I'm going to make a Thai green chilli and settle down in front of the new series of Strictly.

  • I had a pleasant walk earlier, then spent a while gardening. I have planted out more of my pots with winter bedding as some more of my plugs have flowered. After a very challenging week I spent a while slowly sifting soil for a new bed we are working on. It felt like mindfulness as I sat under a tree and the sun was shining.

    It is great when you get free plants. Hope you enjoy your garden and your free bulbs.

  • TBH, arguing is a form of non-physical combat.

    Some people, LIKE to fight physically!

    I'm thinking, boxers, MMA people, my younger brother on a saturday night.

    Some people LIKE to have a good old internet argument..

    During Fukushima (which concerned me, greatly, especially wehn my background count at my flat increased by a factor of 45 one evening...) Whilst looking for information I ended up on a financial blog by the name of "ZeroHedge" where a contributor somehow had the accurate information as to what was ocurring over there in Japan. I rapidly found out that particular website was run along the lines of a "Fight club" where the comments section was a complete free for all, and anything was allowed to be said.

    Essentially, participating there was something of a trial of mental strength, and a legitimate place where one could go and test and your philosphical stamina. 

    I was eight years off finding out that I had the 'tism but I knew that life seemed to be well seasoned with argumentative and hurtful people, and to have an "reserved area" available where one could really STUDY and practice the techniques, (of both combat and peacemaking) I really liked.

    Doubly so, because I got to really see life from other more "alien" perspectives and representations, which occasionally forced me to rethink my own position or attitude. It's been censored now, some years back, and the naked expressions of racial and other hatred has been eliminated. A good thing you all say, but for me, occasionally I'd find that a political or other idea that I'd half "taken on board", when openly expressed by a "hater", quickly had it's poisonous fruit exposed. 

    Seeing that everywhere else on the internet, is not so good at all. 

  • So far- broken 2 glass bowls. Shards of glass everywhere.

  • FM, not a good day by the sounds of it, hope today is better.

    My Muriel wasn't a farm cat, but is still ridding the area of rodents as fast as she can.

    It's very windy today I think I will have to modify some of my plans.

  • It's been a day of frustration and pain . Frustration and pain because 33 months after a hip replacement I can't guarantee what kind of day I'll have pain wise . Today level 7 pain. Frustration because the genealogist  I hired claims to have provided sources but hasn't done so  in the standard way. A lot of money  spent on info that I can't add to Wikitree  etc. 6 substitutions with my Sainsbury's order. 2-3 is acceptable but 6 is f*****g ridiculous. Not a happy bunny.

  • This ie why I quit fb etc full of people who have to be right and their opinion has to be fact same with the yt comments section people like that who insult people online need to go outside tbh

  • Sitting in the sun and getting insulted on the internet.  As a small boy I thought life would be more than this.

  • Enjoy growing the daffodils.

    I ran all my outside errands from 12:05 pm to 1:20 pm. Rest of the day was spent at home.

    Hope is still sorting out the mice. Deffo a Farm Cat.