What have you been up too today?

I've had a long walk with my dog, then I went and tried to find something to tell my DiL to get me for xmas, she wants our lists early so as she can do her financial planing. I've been to the library and the garden centre, where I got a pack of free daffodil bulbs.

I think tomorow will be spent gardening

  • Chilling like a cool cucumber. Just did some gardening went for a night time walk. I have a friend who is scared of the dark. He doesn’t go out after sunset which kinda sucks because I would like a friend to go out at night with. But anyway…. Other than that I haven’t had any alcohol which is good because I don’t like drinking anymore. Spent some time on these forums and that’s it

  • hi new here and we a vary bad thunderstorm and my tree maybe got hit by lightning today and I was kind of scared when that happened 

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