Does anyone else here have vexillology as a special interest

I was wondering cuz I do

My favorite flag btw if anyone is wondering is this flag that was second place in a contest on the vexillology subreddit, and my favorite flag that was ever used outside of the Internet is Kyrgyzstan's 1992-2023 flag.

  • Vexilllology is from the Latin 'vexillum', a diminutive of 'velum', meaning a ship's sail. The vexillum was a cloth flag hung from a crossbar. I much prefer the 'draco', as flags go.

  • I must admit that I don't get the point of flags, I mean I know the dictionary definition and stuff, but why? and as for people who get so het up about "their" flag and flag burning and stuff, again why?

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  • I know about using flags to signal in battle or at sea etc, but I dont get the need for them outside of that in most instances, having a St John's ambulance flag at a large event I can get as it tells peopl ewhere to get medical help. But I titally agree with you that the American pledging allegiance to the flag is comical, I also think its indoctrination that in any other state we'd see as a worrying sign of nationalist values and be keeping an eye on them. It's odd that America will do this with other countries, but never seems to see it's own actions in the same light.

  • Originally, they were for battlefield recognition, and to indicate where a commander was. Also, flags could be used for signalling on the battlefield. King Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt, indicated to his troops a forward movement towards the French by ordering, "Banners advance". The American ceremony of making schoolkids hold their left tit every morning to 'pledge allegiance to the flag' is just comical in the extreme.

  • I like flags, they look nice and also not everyone who loves their nation hates others, though sadly there are many people who do.

  • Yeah, thats part of my problem with them, the ideologies people invest into whats basically a painted sheet! I see them as another symbol of division.

    I still don't really get the need for them, especially nowadays when we don't have to hoist a flag to say who we are or risk getting pirated or be pirated anyway.

  • It's because of nationalism, many people love their nation and take pride in any symbols representing it. Of course, flags are the most recognizable of these symbols.