What do you think about the idea that autistic people should have our own state

I am curious because there is an actual (online) movement for this which I am a part of and I am interested in your opinions

  • I am intrigued by the practical aspects of a society designed for autistic people,. Can you give specific examples? We are a varied bunch just like neurotypical people are. I'm asking out of sheer curiosity and the fact that some changes could possibly benefit all humans. 

  • I think they are serious.  They said that others online are interested in the idea too.

  • but isn't that what NT society is like anyway, except we are prohibited from self-expressing?

    You would get that in an autistic society too. 

  • I'm a bit confused. Is this a hypothetical scenario or are you serious?

  • Autistics are like NT's in that our politics vary.  So right wing autistics won't want to live in a place that is equal or egalitarian.  

    How many people do you have interested in this movement anyway?  Where do you guys hangout online?  I am intrigued.

  • I don't think it is fair to list in public which members of the forum I like and dislike.
    Rhetorical question.


  • I don't think it is fair to list in public which members of the forum I like and dislike.  But it should be obvious from my posting history.

  • I'm not sure I'd want to live there but an Autistic commune would be feasible.  But you'd have to have the right Autistics in it to make it work.


    If this forum is a microcosm of autistic society (lower support needs than some - I can't think which term I'm allowed to use now) then which members would you like to live with?

    Rhetorical question.


  • You're still likely to come face to face with people who really don't like you, even if they share the same brain operating system.

  • If you look at who autistics are (statistically speaking) you will have to exclude people.  You'll need to end up with more autistics with the capacity for work than people who need support.  Otherwise it won't function.  But I don't see why you can't attempt a commune.

    So you need to heavily research communes.  Look at previous communes and learn from their mistakes and successes.  Copy what worked and don't repeat the mistakes of the past.

  • I saw it so it's ok. Slight smile

  • Think about the vast array of skills there are in a human populace.  You'd need to replicate that but with autists only.

    Given the amount of autistic people there are, I'd say with even half the population it would be feasible.

  • I'm not sure I'd want to live there but an Autistic commune would be feasible

    I agree. I'd certainly live there if we had some level of self-determination.

    But you'd have to have the right Autistics in it to make it work.  So that's exclusionary.

    The goal is to have most autistic people in the nation.

  • It wouldn't be different because society (any society). needs workers in it for it to function.  Think about the vast array of skills there are in a human populace.  You'd need to replicate that but with autists only.  I suggest starting a commune and once you've got that working for a few years ,then you can upscale.

  • All humans seem to want to do is divide into weird little groups of people and hate on other groups. 

    I certainly don't hate any NTs, I just don't want to live in a society made for them.

    I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable that towns could have different living areas

    Neither do I, in fact I think it's a necessity.

    I'm sorry for the confusion, I thought you meant you didn't think that separate living areas were compatible with an autistic nation.

  • I meant a nation-state, sorry for the confusion.

  • Some of my best friends are allistic


  • NT society is like that for NTs, and specifically not for us. It'd be more beneficial, I think, to live among varied autistic people than among varied NT people who hate us.

  • I'm not sure I'd want to live there but an Autistic commune would be feasible.  But you'd have to have the right Autistics in it to make it work.  So that's exclusionary.

  • There’s AH nt’s and AH nd’s. All humans seem to want to do is divide into weird little groups of people and hate on other groups. 

    I struggle immensely with noise, but unfortunately some nd’s are sensory seeking and are loud. Living in a nd only area wouldn’t fix that. But there are people that like to live a quiet life, I don’t think it’s entirely unreasonable that towns could have different living areas. You wanna let your kids scream all day while you hammer and listen to loud music? Cool, you go live in that area where other people like doing the same. You like it when it’s quiet and wanna sit in your garden relaxing to distress, that’s cool too, you can go in live in this part of town where all your neighbours feel the same way.