What do you think about the idea that autistic people should have our own state

I am curious because there is an actual (online) movement for this which I am a part of and I am interested in your opinions

  • I agree HMO, some autist are very conformist, I'm totally not.

    Autonat, I don't see the point of replacing one flawed system with another

  • I was aware of your meaning, I was being facetious under the guise of being literal, something I do too often.

  • Ideas like this have been around for many years, where like-minded people have founded their own communities for centuries, like priests, monks and nuns and even in other faiths through the 1960’s including with hippy communes and New Age travellers - an idea was even proposed during Covid about setting up communities as alternatives to what was being proposed during Covid, including the homeschooling of children of conservative Catholic parents in Rural Ireland as only just being some examples of this idea 

  • Why do you think the response '...in other autistic comunities is as here. mostly negative.' ?

  • That's your hurdle. I don't think shutting ourselves off from the rest of society is what everyone wants.

  • Such an idea would never work in an urban or city environment when one thinks about the concept of the gay village - during the very strange time of Covid lockdown when living in a council flat, we learned just how thin the walls between flats really were with kids in the summer of 2020, as on top of the standard Covid restrictions at the time, the local council also had imposed additional restrictions 

  • Aside from any political ideologies, what worries me about this is the danger that if leftist or globalist (fascist) dictators got wind of this idea, we could see some of them wanting to segregate autistic people into camps (where even the concept of a “gay village” is itself problematic in some ways) - we know from history that things like this do not end well and we have also seen how migrant groups stick to their own kind, one example of which has always been Irish Travellers - even my native Ireland in its history has struggled to uphold the Catholic faith and after 1922, we Irish almost achieved the dream of having an Irish Catholic state, which unravelled with Vatican II after the 1960’s right up to the present day, despite the huge efforts of the Irish people to hold onto the Catholic faith, which is so much a part of Irish identity among those of us Irish people of a certain generation 

  • We have a little, but most of our existence has been spent trying to gain followers. The reaction we've received in other autistic communities is, as here, mostly negative.

  • It would be nice to live somewhere that is autism friendly, but I have no idea how that could be set up.

    Most likely through claiming uninhabited territory, or maybe inhabited territory if we have the consent of the people inhabiting it.

  • This would be ideal but sadly it is unrealistic.

  • Yes Irish, it definitely would, however I can't see it happening. If people don't have autistic sensitivities, it's really difficult for them to imagine how they are making other people's lives difficult. Only those with strong empathy who know autistic people well and /or care about them will try to make accommodations. Yes, those people do exist (we wouldn't have this forum without them) but I believe they are still a minority. 

    I don't actually expect anyone - apart from an employer - to make any accommodations for me because I'm autistic. Maybe I should, but I think I'm just being a realist. And we are all aware that there are some employers who are not interested in trying to meet the needs of their employees - even the law only says they have to consider requests for "reasonable adjustments" . Who says what is reasonable?

    It would be nice to live somewhere that is autism friendly, but I have no idea how that could be set up.

  • Drink the Kool Aid Catwoman!  lol  You're right it could go pear shaped and be taken over by a Jim Jones  type figure.

    There's 600 people on the discord server so this could really happen.  One of the Danish Communes survived for decades so it's possible it that it could work out relatively well.  I will be watching from afar.

  • The servers asking for verification so I'm not going to be able to join today.  Maybe keep us posted in this thread?  I think I have too many issues to move somewhere anyway.  But I am intrigued by the idea and would be interested in watching developments from afar.

  • Have you considered practical steps?

  • Far better IIM, if there was an autistic country then people would have to find a load of other things to fight about.

  • Would it not be better for society to be properly educated about autism and to rethink the way that they live thier own lives and see that much of what they currently do are making the lives of autistic people needlessly more difficult 

  • Honestly I'd hate it! Many peple would want to live somewhere warm and sunny, or hot and bright, in my language, I need seasons, I like wind and rain.

    I think there would be to many variables to consider, I never want to smell bacon cooking ever again or fish frying, or BBQ's would I still be inside with my windows shut all the time?

    I think some sort of takeover by some wannabe silver back would be pretty inevitable, those sort of people are never to be trusted especially around women and girls.

    I suspect that someone like me would be kicked out or killed pretty quickly.

  • We have a Discord server here: https://discord.gg/gcZNayPmUE

    Also, I'm aware of the variation in politics, I hold unique political views myself that aren't compatible with the traditional left and right. I support Puzzle Piece Politics, where there would be different zones for different ideologies to be implemented.

  • This is a serious movement, though sadly it is quite small.

  • Is that not also an issue in NT society?