Feeling like an alien

Does anyone else get the feeling they they are literally from another planet , particularly since my diagnosis 3 yrs ago , I guess I just used to keep going but and things have happened in life trauma etc I just feel like I don't fit in any longer,  I can't understand people and why they say and do what they do most of the time . Naturally I'm an introvert anyway,  life recently is a complete engima to me , I wonder if it will improve ever or I will always feel this way,  it doesn't win me any friends and can frustrate my wife at times because she does need other people in her life as maybe I should as well but the older I get the less I care , to me it is trival and much prefer the company of my Cats and Dogs,  I understand their behaviour. I would welcome and further insights on this please. 

  • I'm similar. My wife pretty much now does as she likes, even though she'd prefer it to be with me. Sometimes I join in, sometimes I don't.

    Today, I did trip with her and my Nephews to London. The plan kept on changing because the boys would change their minds. I went to have a quiet sit in the Harrods cafe by myself but it was packed and there was a queue. 

    I am now on the train home while they go to the aquarium. So now I won't be sad that I missed out. In the end a good compromise.

    I had a good time with them this morning playing Lego Harry Potter on the Switch, so I've done a lot with them.

    So, compromise. Try not to be in any way jealous of things she does without you, but do enough with her with enthusiasm.

  • do enough with her with enthusiasm

    You have it right Mark, in my opinion. Relationships are about compromise, whatever the brain wiring. God knows, our partners have enough to put up with!! We can't be someone we are not but we also choose to be around these people who help us navigate the world....so it's give and take. Both sides have to make "reasonable adjustments!" I'm a big fan of multiple people providing us with what we need which is why I think it's important to have networks outside of a relationship as well.

  • The problem I have with compromise is that I seem to be the only one willing to do it?

    I don't think I'd like a desert island, but a lush green one would be good. As long as it had a bridge to the mainland so as I didn't have to cross by boat when I wanted something off island, like a visit to a garden centre, the bridge would have to be a drawbridge with a portcullis, and a gate tower complete with murder holes so as I could repel all boarders!

  • The problem I have with compromise is that I seem to be the only one willing to do it?

    I don't think I'd like a desert island, but a lush green one would be good. As long as it had a bridge to the mainland so as I didn't have to cross by boat when I wanted something off island, like a visit to a garden centre, the bridge would have to be a drawbridge with a portcullis, and a gate tower complete with murder holes so as I could repel all boarders!

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