How DARE you un-diagnose me!

Someone on LinkedIn claimed that I'm not autistic based on a single comment I made in relation to a thread by Pete Wharmby, author of 'Untypical'. Un-diagnosing an autistic person is very irresponsible. By doing it, you're doubting a person who has possibly spent decades not knowing who they are and why they struggle so much in a world not designed for them.

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  • I was an enthusiastic early-adopter of LinkedIn (way before the current large enterprise took it over).

    Originally, I enjoyed my use of LinkedIn and viewed it as a benefit.  That experience changed, in lots of negative ways, when it was taken over (therefore, I closed my account as the relentless hassles had come to far out way any benefits).

    Roll forward, quite a number of years, when I have been trying to engage with various Autism-related groups; I found I was disenfranchised by not having a LinkedIn account.

    Reluctantly, I set up a new account - and tried to set it up as low-profile as possible, and I don't post etc. (really just to be able to follow the information sources I value and to be able to easily register for webinars etc.).  Even so, I do find the barrage of other (un-solicited) nonsense is off-putting.

    It is a challenge.

    Un-diagnosing anyone, around anything, is not acceptable.

    I struggle to understand the energy and motivation of such creepy people prepared to peddle their rubbish.

    After all, there are numerous other social media outlets, not LinkedIn, upon which they can puff up their ego!

  • I was an enthusiastic early-adopter of LinkedIn (way before the current large enterprise took it over).

    Originally, I enjoyed my use of LinkedIn and viewed it as a benefit.  That experience changed, in lots of negative ways, when it was taken over (therefore, I closed my account as the relentless hassles had come to far out way any benefits).

    Roll forward, quite a number of years, when I have been trying to engage with various Autism-related groups; I found I was disenfranchised by not having a LinkedIn account.

    Reluctantly, I set up a new account - and tried to set it up as low-profile as possible, and I don't post etc. (really just to be able to follow the information sources I value and to be able to easily register for webinars etc.).  Even so, I do find the barrage of other (un-solicited) nonsense is off-putting.

    It is a challenge.

    Un-diagnosing anyone, around anything, is not acceptable.

    I struggle to understand the energy and motivation of such creepy people prepared to peddle their rubbish.

    After all, there are numerous other social media outlets, not LinkedIn, upon which they can puff up their ego!

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