Bits and bobs, this and that

I thought I'd start a more general thread where we can just post little things, like how our day has been, funny incidents etc that don't need much in the way of answer, but just everyday nonsense.

I'm covered in little catty claw pin *** marks, from newly returned Boris cat reaching up and trying to pull my trousers down! He's realised that one of the best ways to get a human to do what he wants is to stretch up and stick his claws into the fabric of your trousers just below your bum and then sit down taking the trousers with him. If you're wearing a skirt of nightie he grabs hold of the hem and shakees it!

I'm to hot, I hope it will cool down soon, I'm having trouble sleeping.

I'm reading a really interseting book by Professor Dame Sue Black, called All That Remains and is about the skeleton and what it tells forensic anthropologists. Some of you might know her from TV, things like History Cold Cases.

  • Iain did you try scratching a bar of soap and did it work?

    That big yellow thing in the sky has gone again and the weather has returned to normal, grey, wt and windy and a lot cooler, I actually slept properly last night.

  • Does anyone else read the Fortean Times?

  • Does anyone else read the Fortean Times?

    I was an avid reader / subscriber from issue 40 for about 20 years - used to love reading it.

    My mother used to call them "weirdie magazines" that made me enjoy them even more for some reason, but when she was talking about some piece of folklore from her childhood I could recall the articles and tell her loads about the background and research on the subject.

    I must have been insufferable back then LOL. Some say I still am...

  • Does anyone else read the Fortean Times?

    I was an avid reader / subscriber from issue 40 for about 20 years - used to love reading it.

    My mother used to call them "weirdie magazines" that made me enjoy them even more for some reason, but when she was talking about some piece of folklore from her childhood I could recall the articles and tell her loads about the background and research on the subject.

    I must have been insufferable back then LOL. Some say I still am...

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