Four o'clock Meltdown/ Breakdown/ Collapse

Does anyone else have problems like me at 4am/pm?

During the night I often wake up at 4am and cannot fall asleep.

During the day at 4pm I often lose consciousness and fall asleep, even at work or on public transport.

  • I wake everyday at 4. I let that be my base rhythm.

    I have noticed one factor that will drive me to the couch at 4 pm:

    Eating a meal with a challenging diet, especially meat and gluten. If I avoid them I feel energized after a meal.

    I also have an antibiotic resistant, persistent bacterial infection that, when it flares, mimics a flu and I have no energy.

    Beneficial gut bacteria and enzymes out of balance may also be a factor.

    Diet is all important to me.

    Note how you feel after and when you eat. You will find the right foods for you and they will give you all the energy you crave.

  • I wake everyday at 4. I let that be my base rhythm.

    I have noticed one factor that will drive me to the couch at 4 pm:

    Eating a meal with a challenging diet, especially meat and gluten. If I avoid them I feel energized after a meal.

    I also have an antibiotic resistant, persistent bacterial infection that, when it flares, mimics a flu and I have no energy.

    Beneficial gut bacteria and enzymes out of balance may also be a factor.

    Diet is all important to me.

    Note how you feel after and when you eat. You will find the right foods for you and they will give you all the energy you crave.

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