PIP Tribunal

Hi has anyone got any advice for me about going through a PIP tribunal. I have a date for mine now and I’m really scared about it.

  • I have no experience of going through a PIP tribunal, but I do have experience of ESA tribunals. Others will hopefully correct me if I am wrong, but I'm guessing PIP tribunals are much the same as ESA tribunals.

    You don't need a lawyer, but I would strongly advise against attending the tribunal hearing alone. In addition to having someone else there who can provide support and speak on your behalf if needs be, it also means that you've got someone on your side to witness what takes place. I recommend having someone with you who has a good understanding of how the tribunal panels operate, if that is at all possible. 

    Feeling scared and anxious is normal. If you're feeling distressed on the day (also normal), do not be tempted to mask it in front of the tribunal panel. In addition, do not be tempted to play down the difficulties and challenges you experience. The tribunal panel will be looking for anything and everything to prove that your difficulties aren't severe enough to warrant you being awarded PIP.

    It may help to read the following article, as it will give you an idea of what to expect:

  • Thank you so much for your reply I will definitely look at the link and ask someone to come with me. I haven’t told many people about my diagnosis so don’t have many people to ask. 

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