What are you watching?

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing wellHeart

What are you all watching?

I'm currently watching Three Men and a Baby which I'm loving so far.

Have you got any recommendations? I'm always looking for new things to watchGrinning

P.S I definitely recommend Three Men and a Baby!


    When you're paranoid, and decide to go to war with all your friends. NT's forcing me to be military minded


    When you're paranoid, and decide to go to war with all your friends. NT's forcing me to be military minded

  • Isn't the whole point of what he is saying that the NT's can only force you to take a position if you let them?

    I thought it was going well, until he suggested the use of deception as a viable strategy. I can get behind using the opponents self deception against them, or even having identified their deception without them realising it, allowing them to think they have the better of you whilst manouveirng for a better position, but as soon as you start trying to actively deceive you pollute your own integrity, and start playing frm an intrinsically weak & over complicated position. (The considerable part of your brainpower that is occupied creating and sustaining deceit, by definition then isn't available to you for creating more effectve solution to real problems. Lying makes you weaker, not stronger) 

    But, heck, a very interesting video that tries to address a problem that we will all face someday.