Need to take an indefinite break

Things have been said here that I find triggering, and not supportive of those who are disabled. Ideally  I'd block, but that is not an option. Therefore I've been left with no choice but to take an indefinite break. I will check  periodically to see if it has,for me, returned to being  a pro disabled environment.

  • I think it is exactly that - they avoided making explicit promises around the subject, relying on all the feel good factor of getting the clowns out of power so they could slide in their in their own size 72 shoes and red noses.

    Superb description there Iain. I wish I had some sock puppet ID's so I could give you more upvotes. 

    Perspicacity! Cyniscism! with a Dry wit finish. Perfect.. 

  • They are there to stop you suffering - a nuance perhaps but a very important one.

    But you can also suffer mentally/psychologically from a lack of enjoyment.

  • Vouchers for specific things  as a disabled/disadvantaged/disordered/ill/ vulnerable basically means you don't deserve to enjoy those things


    The vouchers are not given to make you enjoy anything - that is purely a pleasure thing.

    They are there to stop you suffering - a nuance perhaps but a very important one.

    I put it down to tactics to win the election

    I think it is exactly that - they avoided making explicit promises around the subject, relying on all the feel good factor of getting the clowns out of power so they could slide in their in their own size 72 shoes and red noses.

    The disabled just do not make up a large enough voting base to merit the cost that this sort of payment would require - and remember it is the same cost year after year so we continue to be a drag on the economy.

    It is sad, but like most things in politics, it is entirely predictable.

  • Firstly an apology to all. I can be overly sensitive when it comes to how the disabled/disadvantaged/disordered/ill/ vulnerable are treated. This may sound strange but I sometimes think attitudes to such groups were better in the early-mid 1970s than they are now. I lived in a small Essex village then, and it was well known that I had mental health problems. Nobody made fun of me.

    As for the vouchers instead of PIP.If true I'm disappointed and angry about it. My biggest reservation re Labour was it's reluctance to say how the most vulnerable,those that unable to work, would be helped. I put it down to tactics to win the election. By the sound of things I was too trusting,too naive. I will never vote Tory, the Lib dems are too cynically opportunistic.In light of the stance on PIP,again if true, Labour are just less bad.Vouchers for specific things  as a disabled/disadvantaged/disordered/ill/ vulnerable basically means you don't deserve to enjoy those things that makes life more pleasurable.Those things that technically one can do without ,but are essential for a better quality of life It's a cold,puritanical,uncivilised, and cruel, way of treating those who, through no fault of their own, have done less well in the genetic lottery of life.

  • Yeh apparently he’s cutting pip payments for

    new pip claimants. 

  • I see what you're saying and I agree as I feel similar myself in that I don't feel I fit anywhere.  I also 100% agree that the forum needs better regulation.  It also feels strange that certain topics are no go when I feel they are very interesting.  I do like the fact I learn a great deal from others here and gain from being able to try to support others on here but it's hard going with the lack of regulation....

  • But apart from cats, I don't feel any real commonality, I feel as much an outsider here as I do off here. I think theres a lot of normalising that goes on on here and if you don't conform to the group norms then you feel misunderstood and ignored.

    I don't feel this forum is well regulated or moderated, there's no way to block pople you don't get on with and the site itself feels clunky and slow.

  • Be well firemonkey, hope you once again find this a safe space for you before too long. 

  • I beg to differ.  I think you have commonality in your love of cats. :-)

  • Oh No, it seems that all the people I like are leaving, although to be honest I'm thinking of backing off a bit, not because of getting upset by things other posters have said, but because I have so little in common with the majority of people on the site.

  • Debbie, I appreciate you being honest on here.  It's hugely reassuring so I don't feel alone in my extreme sensitive and emotional nature.  

    I'm keeping my profile at the moment as I don't see any option to delete it and emailing NAS doesn't seem to achieve anything since I've never received a response back.

    Perhaps your idea of keeping your ID is a better option than leaving altogether since we all gain to much from giving and receiving support from one another despite the cruelness that happens from time to time. 

  • I'm sorry you feel you need to do this but I completely understand. I've taken a break recently but feeling brighter again now, so hopefully you will be too before long. 

    Take care of yourself and please reach out for support here if you need to. 

  • kier starmer doesnt, hes cancelling pip now and giving them coupons instead! lmao

    and to think.... most people on here voted labour as they thought the tories would do that.... instead they voted the actual party that was doing that while the tories were the soft pushover party that kept giving to people on benefits all the time none stop lol ahhh such fun!!! bet they wont be voting labour again in the future now after that sting.

  • what do you call disabled though?

    what can a none autistic person do that a autistic person cant do? what is the disability of the autistic? ... what ability is there in a regular guy... disability in this regard is often more physical, such as mobility... and this is why you cant get pip really unless you lie or stretch the truth.

    autism is more a disorder. not disability. its even called personality disorder. 

    disabled kinda sounds insulting or a put down to it really.

  • FWIW,

    A while ago I asked the admin if the proposed site revamp can include a "ignore user feature" and have been told that the suggestion has been forwarded to the team doing that.

    I like the bitchute "mute user" feature, which seems pretty comprehensively designed to allow users who need such a feature to not only prevent one from reading a "troublesome" users input but also prevents the blocked users from reading what YOU write as well. 

    It's not a feature I need for me personally, or have ever used on other sites*, but I think it would help quite a few users here who seeem to have more serious probelms with tolerance of other peoples point of view.     

    * I have found in my participation elsewhere that no matter how annoying or objectionable a user seems to be, eventually they post something good or useful, and using a blanket "ignore user" feature would prevent me from seeing their more useful or sensible posts..

  • It makes me sad reading this. I hope you're ok x.

    Sadly disagreements do happen here, it has done on and off since I first joined a long time ago. So sad. I tend to avoid such topics. 

    I hope you'll be feeling better soon and will feel able to return when the time is right. X

  • I think it's in my best interest to leave too.  I wish I was as resilient as you Debbie and able to do the same but I'm a sensitive soul so will only end up eventually getting hurt which I want to prevent.

    I have avoided reading this thread until now but having read it I have just come back briefly to say that your post saddened me.

    I am not as resilient as I may appear to you hence my departure once again (although at present I am keeping an ID).

    I wish you all the very best for the future. 

    Take care Bouquet

  • Do not go I will try and support how can I help

  • I'm sad to see you go as I've enjoyed your posts, if I've said anything upsetting then I appologise wholeheartedly. Good luck and we hope to see you in the future.

  • Althoug subject to the ususal possibilty of misinterpretation, I am actually asking people to stop being so mean to people who they don't necesarily "like", and stop with the name calling and vilification. 

    There are people here who could do it much better than I do, but for some reason they don't.