Need to take an indefinite break

Things have been said here that I find triggering, and not supportive of those who are disabled. Ideally  I'd block, but that is not an option. Therefore I've been left with no choice but to take an indefinite break. I will check  periodically to see if it has,for me, returned to being  a pro disabled environment.

  • Firstly an apology to all. I can be overly sensitive when it comes to how the disabled/disadvantaged/disordered/ill/ vulnerable are treated. This may sound strange but I sometimes think attitudes to such groups were better in the early-mid 1970s than they are now. I lived in a small Essex village then, and it was well known that I had mental health problems. Nobody made fun of me.

    As for the vouchers instead of PIP.If true I'm disappointed and angry about it. My biggest reservation re Labour was it's reluctance to say how the most vulnerable,those that unable to work, would be helped. I put it down to tactics to win the election. By the sound of things I was too trusting,too naive. I will never vote Tory, the Lib dems are too cynically opportunistic.In light of the stance on PIP,again if true, Labour are just less bad.Vouchers for specific things  as a disabled/disadvantaged/disordered/ill/ vulnerable basically means you don't deserve to enjoy those things that makes life more pleasurable.Those things that technically one can do without ,but are essential for a better quality of life It's a cold,puritanical,uncivilised, and cruel, way of treating those who, through no fault of their own, have done less well in the genetic lottery of life.

  • I'm not elibable for PIP, but if I were, I'd be using to pay for things like massage and osteopathy, that help improve my mobility and pain levels, I doubt that any of the alternative therapies I use would be on a voucher, despite the fact that the only legal pain relief I can have is paracetamol which is nowhere near adaquate. I enjoy a massage when I have the right person doing it and it is a proper therapy not a beauty treatment, I think we have a really silly attitude to such things in this country, where it's seen as a euphimism for prostitution.

    I think puritanical is the right word the attitudes of many towards the long term sick and disabled, it's still seen as some kind of moral judgement from above and that you should be treated with arms length pity.

    I'm so glad to see you back and posting, I really hope you stay.

  • I'm not elibable for PIP, but if I were, I'd be using to pay for things like massage and osteopathy, that help improve my mobility and pain levels, I doubt that any of the alternative therapies I use would be on a voucher, despite the fact that the only legal pain relief I can have is paracetamol which is nowhere near adaquate. I enjoy a massage when I have the right person doing it and it is a proper therapy not a beauty treatment, I think we have a really silly attitude to such things in this country, where it's seen as a euphimism for prostitution.

    I think puritanical is the right word the attitudes of many towards the long term sick and disabled, it's still seen as some kind of moral judgement from above and that you should be treated with arms length pity.

    I'm so glad to see you back and posting, I really hope you stay.

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