Who's going to write "None of the above" on their ballot paper tomorrow?

Does anyone else have the conviction that whoever wins the election tomorrow, nothing will really improve for us here in England?

  • Personally if I wasn't voting I would go for a walk somewhere more interesting than a polling station if the vote wasn't being counted.

    My other thought on this is the time taken by people counting overnight when they have to reject the papers.

    At least we have the freedom to vote for who we wish in this country. The difficulty is that if the person from the party has little chance getting in in my area, do I vote tactically. 

  • I have already cast my vote, and I was seriously tempted to spoil my ballot paper by writing those exact words.

    Irrespective of whichever party wins, I truly believe that tough decisions will end up being made that won't be popular with the electorate, and that things will sadly just end up getting a whole lot worse for most folk.

  • I'm not going to bother voting at all because there's no one I feel able to vote for. It feels like the only choice we have is who's going to dump on us and from how high.

    With Westminster deciding how much money the devolved governments get and retaining control over a lot of areas we're not as independent as it might seem to those in England.

    Still for all that we have a poor range of options here, at least we're better off than America with more of the electorate not wanting either candidate than those who want one of them.

  • The problem is that "none of the above" doesn't help us either. The best that can be done with democracy is to try and nudge things in the direction you want. Yes, there are a million problems but some parties have less problems than others. (and how does a re-run help?)

    1. That would be recorded as a spoiled ballot paper.
      Earlier this year there was a petition (now closed because the 2019 - 2024 parliament has ended) on the UK Government petitions website:


      which said:

      "Implement "None of the above" on ballots in all United Kingdom elections #NOTAUK

      I urge the UK Government to permanently adopt "None of the above" on all ballots starting with the next general election, to enhance democratic choice and allow voters to express dissatisfaction. If NOTA wins most votes, consider rerunning the election, possibly with initial candidates disqualified. ... ".
      Maybe when the new parliament starts, perhaps someone could start a similar petition.
      There is a Wikipedia page on this topic:
      and there have been instances where a "none of the above" vote has lead to a rerun of the poll.
  • Regardless of what happens, even if Labour does get a landslide victory, it will mean nothing, as the globalist elites will simply do whatever they want - Keir Starmer is a WEF Puppet, as is Prince William, King Charles is a puppet of and is owned by the Rothschilds - they will simply impose their own version of police state and martial law upon us all and this can only lead to serious civil conflict in the U.K. alone in the next few years while the economy continues to decline - an all-out race war is also very much on the cards which will be far worse in Ireland, on top of the threat of WW4 (as Covid was a silent version of WW3) even aside from things like solar flares or asteroid strikes - most people, who are still choosing to remain asleep 4 years after Covid, will only wake up when it’s too late - western civilisation is in an irreversible state of decline and there can never be any turning back from this decline, because once we enter that phase, there is no turning back, except by direct divine intervention 

  • I’m choosing not to vote at all, because voting is ineffective and worse still, doing so is enabling and supporting a corrupt criminal cartel that democracy and the democratic process has become, even with non-party or independent candidates - democracy and the democratic process, itself window dressing to give an illusion of choice, has always been vulnerable to and riddled with, even defined by, infiltration, deception and corruption of all kinds - we cannot vote our way out of our current situation, as even with purity of intention, even non-party and independent candidates cannot reform an already corrupt system from within, where leaders are “selected not elected” and further, there are no political solutions to our current problems, because our current political and “democratic” leaders are morally bankrupt - in any case pretty soon, it won’t matter anyway, because the globalists will simply appoint who they want into positions of power and will simply impose whatever measures that they deem fit to impose upon us without any reference to what we want - twice, the Irish people voted in a referendum as required by our Consitution to leave the EU and both the Irish government and the EU dismissed both referenda results - the EU is a globalist criminal cartel and many people in Ireland have said that Ireland’s membership of the EU and the UN among other international bodies, even with a referendum, is a material breach of the Irish Constitution - Mrs Thatcher during her term as PM (where she had to fight to get where she was in the Tories) hated the EU and it was leftist parties who got the U.K. into the EU in the first place 

  • Imagine if everyone who was dissatisfied with the current state of affairs did this. Rather than opting for a party they dont much agree with or abstaining. What a message it would send. Spoiled ballot papers are counted.

  • Yep, absolutely. It's pretty much a guarantee each election. You know you're in for disappointment lol. 

  • Yep completely agree. I will be voting though as I cannot stand any more of the tories. I’ve never been a politics person, but how they were over lockdowns and how they are trying to punish disabled people, they need to go. So I’m voting purely on the basis to get them out. Still all a bit gloomy though whatever happens Disappointed

  • I love that! None of the above.  Yes, I think they're all full of the chat but changes don't seem to happen for the better.  That said, I don't envy their job as there's always someone who has to suffer at the expense of someone else don't you think? I wouldn't be able to handle the stress of running the country. :-(