
Apparently, autistic people don’t understand sarcasm. This is of course absolutely true except for the fact that it isn’t. I've posted a *very* short video about this on my Autistic Not Alien channel on YouTube. 

I'd be interested to know your thoughts on sarcasm.

  • Your video made me laugh, but unsurprisingly, took me until the end of the video to realise it was a joke. Very well done though!

    Personally, I do struggle with jokes and the meaning of jokes, but can enjoy comedy and some forms of sarcasm. I am often the last to get a joke (again, not unsurprisingly!!), but I do try and laugh when I think people are trying to be funny. Although it doesn’t always work, such as when I laughed during a funeral when someone was doing their speech, but then got some odd looks when no one else was laughing. Apparently what they said wasn’t meant to be funny. 

    anyway, enjoyed your video about your assessment too. I really liked the words from Vicky Bliss, never seen that before and think it’s a perfect way to explain autism. 

  • Although it doesn’t always work, such as when I laughed during a funeral when someone was doing their speech, but then got some odd looks when no one else was laughing. Apparently what they said wasn’t meant to be funny. 

    That made me smile.

    I smile/laugh/giggle when I get nervous (so at inappropriate times).

    I had a 1st date with a chap once and when we came back to his car it had been broken into and all his music stolen.

    He went mad (I later became aware that he had a very bad temper indeed) and because it made me nervous, I smiled.

    That then made him annoyed with me too.

    Not an auspicious start Blush

  • I'm autistic and I get sarcasm and use it too, people tell me that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, I tell them they only say that because they can't think of a suitable riposte!

    I think this sounds like the usual nonsense spouted about what autistic people can and can't do, there are something that go right over my head, but sarcasm's rarely one of them.

  • Maybe it would be...."nano" expression then.

    Anything that is micro must also have a micro face

    Now my brain has gone onto "me cro wah vey" and I'm now definitely mixing threads!

  • is this some sort of experiment to see it autistic people get sarcasm?

    Not sarcasm.

    Anything that is micro must also have a micro face (unless it doesn't have a face) and hence a micro expression.


  • Ohhhhhh

    Do ants have faces!?

    My brain went to actually picking up an ant with your fingers.

    What about micro expression of ants?

    "OOS don't be so silly"

  • Scuse me spergers woman, I know ants are small but is this some sort of experiment to see it autistic people get sarcasm?

    I don't get it! 

  • I'm actually quite good at picking up micro expression

    I'm like that with ants.

  • I haven't looked at the link. I think I'm actually quite good at picking up micro expression (possibly more than a lot of other people but obviously cannot say this for certainty, its just a hunch) but more obvious expressions or body language pass me by. I often thought body language and expression was "automatic" but I've since learned a lot if it (but not all) is....."manufactured".

  • I have difficulty reading someone’s intentions from their facial expressions.

    That is an easy one to fix:

    It takes a fair bit of practice to get right though.

  • Stewart Lee is wonderful, and recently realised he's autistic.

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