Clarification on the purpose of these forums.

Could anybody educate me as to what these forums are actually for? Thinking 

It's clear that what I thought the overall purpose was, and the reality wildly differ. 

Many thanks 

  • As Autistic people are human as with all humans there is a tendency for people to argue too much about minor disagreements and we need to unite more. We could do with advancing the living conditions of all Autistic people. It's fine in my opinion for people to explore their own particular problems here and unique interests, I'd also like to see more people organising to make things better for us all, with the caveat that I don't think anyone should feel they have to, only that I hope people can be enticed into seeing the benefits of doing so.

  • Hi Roswell, 

    What a wonderful, and productive reply. It's greatly appreciated. 

    I agree with much of what you have put, and I am 'Bored and irritable' because I would like to be more active. I would like to contribute. Hence the purpose of the feed. To learn to be more productive in the forums. That however, requires understanding the views of others. Which is what I have tried to do. 

  • Hi Roswell, 

    What a wonderful, and productive reply. It's greatly appreciated. 

    I agree with much of what you have put, and I am 'Bored and irritable' because I would like to be more active. I would like to contribute. Hence the purpose of the feed. To learn to be more productive in the forums. That however, requires understanding the views of others. Which is what I have tried to do. 

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