Ordering of chats seems weird

I’m talking about this website. I find the way that chat responses are indented and ordered bizarre. Three are a couple chats that I’d like get involved in but they are well established and I’m never quite sure who has responded to what and I find it hard to know where to post - to which reply. I can see the indentation and time of post but the ordering seems weird. There is no flow. Anyone else? Mods, can this be changed, perhaps in a setting somewhere in my profile?

  • I find it can be hard to read back through older threads and see the order of things correctly.

    I think a lot is to do with how a thread can have "sub threads", because it allows multiple separate replies to the first post, which in turn can be relied to at any time and their replies subsequently replied to and so on. rather than a more conventional single waterfall flow from the first post.

  • I certainly agree.
    The posts can really be backwards, the problem is it creates conflict between members beacause
    a reply can seem like an insult simply because NAS posts them in the wrong order.
    Example: When i first posted on here i had a driving license, but when i got a reply the next
    Day i hadn't even passed My driving test !  wtf ?

  • p.s I wouldn't mind so much but that was 30 Years ago ! 

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