Magical thinking

I'm told I have magical thinking, I think this is because for me pretty much everything is alive and has some kind of agency, hense my sewing machine hating me or computers hating me. As I've always been aware of the awareness of the awarenesses we share our world with, it's perfectly normal to me and weird that others don't know this.

One of the things I don't get is why magical thinking is a problem?

Why is it even called magical thinking?

Who does it harm?

I'm told that my perceptions aren't real, and I ask why? Why are your perceptions so limited that you don't know this, isn't this a problem for you and not me?

Am I the only one for whom the world is alive and that we move through a world filled with other conciousnesses, often very different from our own?

  • We are including that in the magic too. Einstein was a magical thinker. And Newton. This is about the power of intentional thinking. so it's about thought, Ergo "I think, I doubt, I am." ,

  • Thank you for sharing your joyful outburst! It's so positive to see so many magical thinkers amongst us here.

  • This is something I completely relate to and it's so positive to see that so many other lovely people here experience the same thing! I love this community. We are so alike and can relate to each other.

    I think the trouble is people who don't and can't experience this will automatically dismiss it and tell you it's a problem and you shouldn't think like it etc.

    But really it is no concern of theirs. If you're happy and you enjoy it and it's not damaging you then go for it! Blush

    I've been like this since I was little and I'm still like it now, as is my little sister who's also autistic.

    Best wishes,


  • No I'm unfortunately not a scientist. Also great to see you love science too.

    "spooky action at a distance" working as intent of consciousness when we have evidence of people, even monkeys able to dictate movements just by thinking them?

    I'm not sure what you are describing here and what you want me to bring proof to refute. Do you mean quantum entanglement?

    Also, I did talk about the observer effect in some other comment if that is what you mean.

    Also, it's not really about refute; refute means that you think magical thinking is based on science and I need to prove that it's not based on science, but shouldn't it be the other way around? Shouldn't we instead find proof that things in magical thinking are based in science? Well I said it's not, because there hasn't been anything found that proves it. Do you see what I mean? Science is built by things that are proven to be right and are proved that exist, not the other way around. 

  • I love science too, especially quantum physics!

    Are you a scientist? Can you refute, scientifically - not anecdotally - that there is no "spooky action at a distance" working as intent of consciousness when we have evidence of people, even monkeys able to dictate movements just by thinking them?

    I would say the jury, if there must be one, is still out and will be so for the foreseeable.

  • Cosmo, for me it's not a belief, its how the world is and how it's always been, like you I'm a bit of a skeptic about quite a lot of things and I ask questions, but I always come back to reality being that which I can stub my toe on and for me my perceptive world is something I can stub my toe on.

    Alienatedhuman, What is grown up? How does one manifest grown-upness? There are lots of people of all neurologies who cry and display emotion when the situation seems to other not to warrant it. I think there's too much emotional policing, about what's right or not, by what and who's criteria is something not right? Looking at how emotionally blunted some people are makes me wonder at the rates of psychopathy in the general population and how people are trained to blunt their emotions, especially men and boys, all the the "big boys don't cry" stuff. All that emotion has to go somewhere, I wonder what the societal effects are? Could it be why we see so much violence commited by men? Violence is much more socially acceptable in men and boys than in women and girls, I wonder what the world would be like if we were all allowed to feel what we feel, when we feel it, if we were all encouraged to be more emotionally literate? There are various problems with gender based ideas of social appropriateness, the one probably most familiar to us on this site, is they way that ASD in women and girls has taken so long to be recognised, its socially acceptable for girls to be shy, so someone struggling with social interactions, is seen as performing to a "good" sociaetal model rather than one who kicks and screems. Also women and girls being seen as lacking in femininity if they show high levels of intelligence.

    I think we're lucky to live in a world that's increasingly aware of societal injustices and different neurologies and ways of being.

  • ah this is also a thing in japan too.

    their culture they believe each item is alive and has a spirit. 

    but in the west i think we call that (censored)affective disorder..... yes i censored the first part of that -**affective disorder as every time i write the first part i get attacked by the auto moderation bot lol

  • No problem. Glad you found it interesting. 

  • Honestly I often feel like I’m not fully grown up… because of my inner world or my problems with emotions, it’s like I cry even in public if it’s too noisy and crowded, or at work if it’s a new job, because there is everything new and it’s also often too much noise and light. I do my best to hide but often somebody sees me crying and then they laugh at me or just tell me to not be sp sensitive. 

  • Really interesting! Thank you for explanation. For me English is also not my first language, but I understand what you write. 

  • Also, I kinda envy you lol. For me, the situation is the opposite, where all around me are people with 'magical thinking' and I'm the scientific one and people tend to not like me because of it, because I'm skeptic and I like to challenge them. For me, I think people are missing the real beauty, science. I think the real world is already beautiful and bizarre and people are missing it...I've been scarred by religion and misinformation throughout my teenage years and used to be mean towards people who were not scientific like me, but as you can see, now I'm different and try to always be compassionate; I don't understand you and we wouldn't be close friends probably, but I still love you for just being human.

    That said, I would like to say to everyone, please be careful with spreading misinformation as it caused me a lot of pain when I was younger. Try to distinguish between your 'beliefs' and 'facts and science', 'belief' is when there's no proof for it and you simply like believing in the thing, 'science' is when there's proof for it. 

  • Ok, so I'm not a quantum physicist but I'll try my best to explain what I think gets mixed up with things in magical thinking a lot, it's the observer effect. In quantum physics, the particles seem to react to being 'observed' (bear with me, I might not be accurate all the time since this is not my field of study and I'm not a native English speaker), it's almost like the particles jump into existence when they are 'observed', when there's a 'viewer'. This is where magical thinking can mix up; people will think that their own awareness and consciousness is making things appear or turning things into reality, but in fact, when scientists use 'observe' ,it means more like 'measurement', it means more like: particles, for example photons, interacting with what's being 'observed' rather than a consciousness being present. It's not about the consciousness, it's about the interaction of particles. This is how I learnt it from Neil deGrasse Tyson. I'll link a short video below.

  • I'm so glad I'm not alone with this, all my life people have told me I'm mad, bad and wrong, over imaginative and need to "grow up", I think it's something that's led to a lot of heartache over the years as people can't see the beauty or the value of things. People's reactions to me when not negative or hostile, tend along the lines of making me magical and like I have all the answers, I'm not a guru and being treated as one never ends well as they soon find out I'm human. It's often hard enough just being a spiritual person, people have such strange ideas and confuse it with organised religion, which for me it isn't.

    I think there's lots of confusion about quantum physics, I get the impresion that if you asked two quantum physicists the same question you'd get 6 different answers. One of the best explainations of it I saw was a show by Ken Campbel, it should still be around somewhere on the internet.

    That's another thing, the internet, where is it if not in a different dimension?

  • Just a note for people, it is totally fine if you believe in these things and magical thinking and you're happy with your world and are happy in general. That's great. But I've always had a pet peeve about misinformation and I need to say, Quantum Physics does not support this. There are many things that people attribute to Quantum Physics wrongly and it's true that Quantum Physics is really bizarre, but it doesn't support things in Magical Thinking. 

    No hate to you Uhane or anybody else, I just like science a lot and needed to say this. 

  • This is how i see the world since ever… I have never thought it’s a problem or something wrong. Looks like I’m not alone and I consider my inner world a beautiful place that compensates a lot what comes from outside. This “magical thinking” may also make me appreciate what I have. When others throw things out, I always consider how I can fix it or reuse it. 

  • It is a balm. It is the truth. I love magical thinking. It is the very core of quantum physics! I will live a life of magical thinking as long as I live - and - Long live magical thinking! The world is a shimmering kaleidoscope of possibility! Thank you for posting so I could share a good joyful outburst!

  • NT's use this phrase in a few ways. Often it involves a misinterpretation of what we might be saying.

    This usually involves assumed or actual Expectations which are incongruent with Reality. Such as idealising the perfect mate in our imagination and expecting this person can be found without considering the flaws which come part and parcel with these 'ideals'. 

    Sometimes this can be a response to assuming you're relinquishing responsibility or your part in the function of a thing. 

    Magical thinking can be why someone makes a bad investment, it can cause resentment if we have assumptions about how a social exchange or social contract works, or by idolising another in such a way they can't live up to.

  • NT's use this phrase in a few ways. Often it involves a misinterpretation of what we might be saying.

    This usually involves assumed or actual Expectations which are incongruent with Reality. Such as idealising the perfect mate in our imagination and expecting this person can be found without considering the flaws which come part and parcel with these 'ideals'. 

    Sometimes this can be a response to assuming you're relinquishing responsibility or your part in the function of a thing. 

    Magical thinking can be why someone makes a bad investment, it can cause resentment if we have assumptions about how a social exchange or social contract works, or by idolising another in such a way they can't live up to. 

    We are influenced by our beliefs and perspectives and respond accordingly. The wrong understanding of how the world or a business operates, for example, might create problems. In the music business, there are a load of kids who expect to write one song, have someone produce it for free and blow up on Spotify overnight. That's not how it works, unfortunately and what's happened is an entire industry is oversaturated with semi-talent leaving post production with more work to find the sounds that work as opposed to all the free stuff which doesn't and the sound department doesn't get paid hourly but by the project. This is how magical thinking can have an impact.

  • Yeah I thought too that animism felt closer to your experience.