Magical thinking

I'm told I have magical thinking, I think this is because for me pretty much everything is alive and has some kind of agency, hense my sewing machine hating me or computers hating me. As I've always been aware of the awareness of the awarenesses we share our world with, it's perfectly normal to me and weird that others don't know this.

One of the things I don't get is why magical thinking is a problem?

Why is it even called magical thinking?

Who does it harm?

I'm told that my perceptions aren't real, and I ask why? Why are your perceptions so limited that you don't know this, isn't this a problem for you and not me?

Am I the only one for whom the world is alive and that we move through a world filled with other conciousnesses, often very different from our own?

  • I don't see any problems with it, I think there's also a belief system in which the person believes everything is alive, it's called Animism I think, but there's nothing wrong with the opposite as well, it's not a problem if people don't think or believe everything is alive. 

    Why are your perceptions so limited that you don't know this, isn't this a problem for you and not me?

    To say that others "don't know" is weird to me though, it's more of a feeling and belief for you, right? Which is completely fine, but there's actually no proof that objects have awareness so it's not something to know. Also, I get the feeling you think this is a problem for others, but it's not really. Nothing harmful with how you think, and nothing harmful with how they think. 

  • I think for me it's more animism than anthromophism as I don't have relationships with objects, or not often, but more of a general awareness of other awarenesses, some open and happy to interact, other's neutral and a very few hostile

  • I just looked up your article and that's definately not me, apart from dust, I dont' collect anything really, maybe because I've moved round a lot I dont' have much stuff that has no purpose. My Mum has a huge collection of ornaments and stuff that I don't like, they do my head in and I'd love to get rid of them, maybe replace them with art. But clutter in general dose me in, I can't think in clutter. Collecting is another things that many people do that I don't understand.

  • I just looked up your article and that's definately not me, apart from dust, I dont' collect anything really, maybe because I've moved round a lot I dont' have much stuff that has no purpose. My Mum has a huge collection of ornaments and stuff that I don't like, they do my head in and I'd love to get rid of them, maybe replace them with art. But clutter in general dose me in, I can't think in clutter. Collecting is another things that many people do that I don't understand.

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