Orion Kelly

I don’t think that man is autistic, I think he’s a fraud. This is why. Turn down the volume on his YouTube video and watch his body language, there’s a patter to it.

(1)Moving his hands, sweeping his palm over his face when he says ‘focus’ then pointing his finger straight away when he says ‘point’, then on to the next gesture deftly and seamlessly. That is so non-autistic. 

(2) Tilting his head, showing off his shiny white teeth, pushing his head forward and opening his eyes wide to express surprise then squinting back to express irony, then onto the next gesture, etc, you get the point and I haven’t even mentioned (3) his nuanced tone of voice and choice of words. I don’t recognize anything at all autistic about this. 

Mr Kelly is far more expressive, persuasive and superficially charming than most neurotypical people let alone anyone autistic but it’s (4) the unblinking way he stares at the screen which gives him away. 

Unblinking staring like that is often symptomatic of narcissistic personality disorder and all that implies for his other behaviours, the glib charm, the persuasiveness, the skilful self-promotion which makes Mr Kelly someone you should want to avoid not befriend. 

I totally get it that some people out there love him to bits but if that were someone I knew I would try to dissuade them from him. I’m perfectly happy to reply to this. 

Parents Reply Children
  • That's the truth. I worked in a British school, and almost every student had the same attention span of a goldfish. The teachers had to speak one sentence at a time otherwise students could not keep focus. I am sure that anybody under 35 could not read a paper book if it was required to save his life.