Everyone’s good at something! What are you good at?

Being autistic when I do things I take a huge interest in the things I do and I've noticed that these things I usually become good at which is awesome. I'm a fast learner, is that to do with autism? Or maybe it's one of my quirks. Anywho....Some of the things I'm good at is



*parenting - I hope lol

*poker - I'm not an addict promise 

*reciting the alphabet backwards.


*voice acting

Everything else I'm not really that good at. 

  • I filming my breyer horses and singing too-

  • totally carp

    Maybe you'd be good at fishing Fishing pole and fishFish I've never done it myself (I did go along with some others once but I never got invited again as they (and other fishermen (I didn't notice any women) said I was too loud and restless) Upside down

  • I'm good at cooking

    I attract animals, cats and dogs come up to me when I'm out,

    I'm good at ancient and medieval history and I have a good memory

    I tend to be either really good at stuff or totally carp, some days I wonder if theres any begining to my talents? lol.

  • Finally, I just really like helping people, I find it makes me feel useful and seems to be a good way for me to not feel lonely and meet people, it also really boosts my confidence and gives me a positive outlook. I can take it too far though and ignore my own needs, but generally I like helping others, especially mentoring.

    That’s a great one. That is where my empathy part comes in as I enjoy helping people. I think just being able to listen well is a skill. I’ve signed up for a free funded course through the Skills Network on understanding autism, you get a qualification after it also. I hope this might be a start of something for me in the future. I have always wanted to help others with their difficulties. 

  • I'm a software engineer too like a few listed here, so I am very good at that. I've found it interesting how others have said they are fast learners, I think I am too but never thought much about how or why before. I remember studying Computer Science at university and not understanding why many people there found it tricky when I actually found it quite simple to follow.

    Other skills I think I have is that I can remember faces well. I'm utterly useless at remembering names (I will immediately forget a name when someone says it to me) but I will remember their face visually probably for years to come.

    I can draw really well but I'm not creative enough to design something myself. What I can do though is look at a picture and copy it freehand so it looks the same.

    Finally, I just really like helping people, I find it makes me feel useful and seems to be a good way for me to not feel lonely and meet people, it also really boosts my confidence and gives me a positive outlook. I can take it too far though and ignore my own needs, but generally I like helping others, especially mentoring.

  • Bullsh#t detecting (a blessing and a burden) Upside down youtu.be/JdvGo7DsFbQ Thumbsup

  • I am rather good at word work and carpentry. Give me a bit of wood and a saw, perhaps a few bolts here and there, and I can make bird feeding tables, clocks, chairs and various bits and bobs such as that.

    I learned it from my grandfather who worked in carpentry when I was a lad. My grandfather had his own carpentry shop. He lived upstairs with my grandmother and downstairs was the shop front and in the back garden next to the wooden shack where the toilet was situated was his workshop where he used all the different bits and bobs to make this that and t'other. I spent many a weekends and summers with my grandfather and would watch him for hours as he turned wood in to glorious items, which people would buy for quite the price in some cases.

    I never worked in carpentry like my grandfather but it is something I do as a pastime, though not so much in latter years as the arthritis is affecting my fingers far more these days. Don't get old. It's a trap!

    And the second thing I believe myself to be good at is making pies! Now, I am a terrible cook and baker; if you eat anything I make that isn't a pie then your digestion will surely detest me for all of time. However, if it's a pie then your taste buds are in for a treat and a delight. Even my wife agrees the pies I make are delicious, and; many years ago I won pie contests at the summer village fetes. They were good times.

  • I can speak and spell backwards and I am very good at predicting outcomes of actions that help me plan what I say and do

  • There’s that haha (only just seen this reply). 

  • I'm not good at many things really. I can read and I can write well and quickly. I'm a natural mimic and can do voices. I'm really good with animals as well, I seem to have a natural bond with them. I find it easier interacting with animals too.

  • Still trying to figure that one out but I would say I'm pretty quick to learning new things and I think that's my biggest strength, I feel like I'll become almost an expert very quickly... until I lose interest and move to the next thing.

  • I saw your profile page last night and meant to say then but your a very talented artist. I'm still at stick man level when it comes to drawing and I couldn't paint anything to save my life!

    I am envious of artists because no matter how hard I try I never improve with art!

  • You've definitely named a couple of awesome things you're good at already in reply to me. I bet there's a lot more too Slight smile

  • Haha thanks. I definitely couldn't speak a 107 words in a whole night either Rofl

  • That's a great one! One you should be really proud of. You are obviously a very kind and thoughtful person. I am empathic and I like to help people with anything I can but I think because of my autism I feel other people's emotions so strongly it actually has a negative impact on me and triggers my mental health, which is such a shame as I fear it now makes me come across as cold towards people.

    I'm definitely with you on spotting details. I tend to notice everything, including the little things that a lot of people seem to miss. I love being observant! I'm not so practical with my hands though, my hands don't really work especially well at the moment.

  • Hi 

    I’m hoping to discover some things I’m good at. It’s very early days and this is all a bit new for me. I’m hopeful that I will discover some surprising interests/skills as I learn more about myself. 
    Cool skills by the way! 

  • 107 words in a minute is amazing. I would probably struggle to speak 107 words in a whole nights social situation. 
    Great stuff

  • I’m good at being empathetic. I have a list of people who I check in with all the time, some friends, some family and some customers I have worked for in the past. If they have suffered grief and been in a dark place I have to let them know they are still in my thoughts. I think people appreciate that and it’s a very rare occurrence these days, I just can’t help it and some people might think it’s a bit strange but for some reason I genuinely feel their pain. On the flip side I feel their happiness when they realise they haven’t been forgotten. 
    Im also good with my hands in a practical sense and I’m good at spotting detail in most ways. 

  • I'm not good at a lot unfortunately... I'm good at creative writing. I have a really powerful imagination and can type and write very fast. My words per minute are 107.