Message for I Sperg

Hi I Sperg

I read a post from you last week or so where you talked about the fact that you choose not to go onto benefits but rather to work mowing and strimming lawns etc.

Something occurred to me and I couldn't find the post again, so I am writing this message to you instead.

I don't know what your situation is and apologise if I am way off target here...I am assuming you may be self employed...

Do you still get your National Insurance credits paid towards your State Pension?

I only ask this because it used to be that you paid Class 2 NI if you were self employed, and this did not count towards your State Pension.

Obviously when you are in PAYE (which can be hard to get or maintain when autistic) then your NI is ok.

And on benefits it is paid also.

You will need 30-35 years to get the full state pension.  Or maybe you can do something with Pension Credit otherwise...either way, whether you claim now or may end up claiming more later....

I know you are very smart, so you probably have this all figured out...forgive me if I speak out of turn...I just wanted to check you are ok!

  • Sorry I missed this 7 months ago.

    I have not interfaced with any government aganecy that I can remember in 22 years now.

    Every time I've asked for help, or my so called social beneifits in the past I've been denied them.

    The only time my govenrment deigns to speak to me it's either to demand money or threaten me in some new way if I dont; comly with soemthing they want me to do, so I've long ago disconnected that relationship.

    They give me nothing, I take nothing, I pay them almost nothing. Banks, who I really have the hump for, get nothing from me, but I operate my multiple accounts in ways that bleed them constantly of small amounts of time & resources...   

    I expect no pension.

    I wasn't always like this, I really "played the game" in the nineties, and tried to "play the game" very hard before I figured out how the game really works for all particpants, whether "honest" or criminal. 

    I can't recommend anyone follow my path because whilst it has supplied with me a degree of freedom of action and thought that is most agreeabel indeed, teh otehr side of teh coin, is that when finally free of being told what to do all the time, and co-ercive agaencies and financial parasites of all sorts, which does make one feel a bit more empowered, and free of that constanlty being hunted "because of the form you have not filled in" or "the bill you have not paid yet" then one actually has to make decisions and take actions to direct & take full responsibilty ones own life and actions, and that's surpirsingly hard & somdtimes complicated work. 

    I can see why very few even attempt it, and a tiny percentage can really make it work. 

  • Sorry to butt into this conversation.

    I always thought people who were self employed could make direct contributions to add to their state pension, i think class 4 contributions.  To do it required contacting HMRC, getting a code, making payment 3-4 times a year and that was pretty much it.

    I haven't looked at this in years though so things might have changed.  But as far as I know, you can make contributions for your state pension directly to HMRC.  Obviously once you hit the max number of years, 30-35, it becomes pointless to put any more contributions in for your pension, in which case you can probably do class 2 which I think is only for benefits/nhs.