at my wits end....

im david age 38... i have aspergers 

im currently homeless and keep being shoved to one side, i have exhausted all means of help, i myself am exhausted and cant go on living like this...

why is my life on the spectrum so hard... being shoved from pillar to post using public computers to try and emphasise how completely lost and unheard i feel, i dont know what else to do now...

im currently thinking about ending it all and letting the system win...

i have tried everything but am being totally ignored...

the system is failing and i just want to curl up in a ball and let it roll over me! 

i cant continue to be forgot and unheard... what will it take for the relevant authorties to hear me....

signing off any last advice would be more than appreciated!!

thank u 

david :(

  • Is this something campaigns could look at?

    I asked my local council about this, and they've come back to me to say there are three homeless people they know have autism and a number of others they know of with traits of autism. They have taken this into account in service provision.

    Now if campaigns got NAS members to write to their councils across the country about this we might get something positive done, and get some information on it to present to Government (if in the unlikely even those self centred cretins are listening).

  • Is this something campaigns could look at?

    I asked my local council about this, and they've come back to me to say there are three homeless people they know have autism and a number of others they know of with traits of autism. They have taken this into account in service provision.

    Now if campaigns got NAS members to write to their councils across the country about this we might get something positive done, and get some information on it to present to Government (if in the unlikely even those self centred cretins are listening).

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