Cant write what I want to

I tried writing this a few times over the past couple days but I was having trouble but thats kind of the point of this post.

I dont talk very often out loud (unless its about my special interest and im with people im comfortable with) but online I can write wayyy more. I usually even annoy people with how much I write when I text/email/etc but the last couple days I keep trying to comment on things on here but I changed my mind and didnt send it. I think I only made 4ish comments and they were pretty short than my usual. I dont know why I cant write right now, its like I dont feel like it, mixed with I cant find the words I want. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this before and if theres a way I can get past it?

  • I have experienced not talking to people. Every day you don't it makes it harder to talk to people and then you build up in your head all the ways that it could go wrong and so it is just easier not to. I just ended up stuck in my head for hours, I think it was maladaptive day dreaming I am not sure. The problem was I just kept repeating thoughts in my head getting stuck not really changing or doing anything new just the same old same old. In the moment it is just a way to keep yourself safe, but now I am scared of repeating it, of getting trapped inside my own head and not being able to talk to anyone. What stopped me from talking to people was remembering every social mistake I ever made, just on a loop inside my head but I am trying to change that. I realised, I am going to make mistakes, I am going to be cringy, I am going to say stuff that I am going to regret saying, I can't change that. That is ok. That is who I am. I am willing to put up with all of that because I believe it is worth it. My favourite memories are the ones I spent talking with friends, not my degree or grades but talking to people. I want to be able to do that again, so I am going to try, fall down again and again, but I am going to pick myself up each time. It is hard. Sometimes there is no easy solution you have just got stand your ground,  I am tired all the time, and that makes it easier to excuse myself from not doing things but not doing things hasn't changed my tiredness, I think I just need to start working, I can work even if I am tired with the right processes, maybe my brain is just unused to being used. This doesn't really answer your question. Sorry. I thought it my be helpful though.

  • I have this problem with talking to people, which is why its worrying me that now I seem to not be able to even talk while online.

  • I am probably giving you more stress, more to worry about which is not very helpful. Maybe you just need to be kinder to yourself, and say its ok to not talk to people, you don't have to talk to people all the time, find ways of managing your energy levels it might be like the tide where sometimes you feel like talking to people and others you don't and that's ok. It is bad enough that everybody else puts pressure on us to do things we don't need to add to that, just be kind to yourself. I also just found this channel which might be helpful even though it is about adhd. 

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