Cant write what I want to

I tried writing this a few times over the past couple days but I was having trouble but thats kind of the point of this post.

I dont talk very often out loud (unless its about my special interest and im with people im comfortable with) but online I can write wayyy more. I usually even annoy people with how much I write when I text/email/etc but the last couple days I keep trying to comment on things on here but I changed my mind and didnt send it. I think I only made 4ish comments and they were pretty short than my usual. I dont know why I cant write right now, its like I dont feel like it, mixed with I cant find the words I want. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this before and if theres a way I can get past it?

  • There are occasions when I can be quite chatty when I'm communicating on here, or when I'm responding to the likes of personal e-mails. However, there are occasions when I feel as though there's a bit of a mental block. In my mind, I know what I want to say (type), but it's as though my brain won't play ball and allow me to progress any further. If I'm lucky, I might get as far as typing a handful of words, before I realise I'm fighting a losing battle and give up.

    In my case, it's not that I don't want to write (type), although I do admittedly have days when I know I'm just not in the mood to, and I just think, "Nope!" 

  • I'm more chatty on here than I am in person. In a day I don't think I say more than 50 words in person...I am much more social online than in RL.

  • If I'm comfortable and relaxed in the company of another person, I can be just as chatty in person. That said, I've become a bit of a recluse in recent years, so I'm somewhat out of practice now.

  • I find it really difficult to be chatty with anybody. I'm only really chatty with myself, I'm not crazy lolol but I do talk to myself more I'm just airing my thoughts vocally I think.

  • I post on here and two other forums.  I feel safest on here.

  • Yes, I've deactivated my social media accounts lately and am only joining in online here at the moment (+playing around with Google Bard). I'm glad this forum service is moderated Thumbsup

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