Do you enjoy fireworks?

It's bonfire weekend and there are displays taking place everywhere over these few days so I thought I'd ask you all whether you enjoy them? 

I think they're pretty and I do like watching them however I dislike the impact they have on wildlife and animals. 

  • I've been to an occasional display, in the past, but not now for some years. 

    Where I live it's unpredictable - no organized displays close by, but visitors staying in nearby holiday lets bring fireworks some years. 

    This year has been really awful, fireworks on Saturday and Sunday, going on for hours. My poor dog, he's so scared of the noise, barking and crying like a frightened puppy. It was very hard to comfort him and even now he's on high alert, barking at the tiniest noise. It was so stressful for him and for me. 

    I really wonder why fireworks are so easy to buy, when they can be dangerous, also people never think of the impact on animals. I'm sure it wasn't just my dog who was scared. Unamused

  • I'm very sorry to read that Pegg.

    It's particularly galling when it's not even residents.

    Fireworks for domestic use should be silent.

    A big hug to your dog from the forum Dog

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