Insect photos with IDs

I'm hoping I won't be the only person uploading to this thread.

Here's my 1st: the honey bee.

Without this bee we'd be lost as they are essential for crop pollination.

Taken in my garden on an angelica flower.

  • Still a bit windy for good insect pics but this guy is an insect specialist..

  • What a beautiful thing you have captured here (the photo, not the bat.)  Thank you for putting this out there.

  • You don't find them cute? Like little flying mice? I picked one up once during a school trip to a stately home, and it was so cute,loking So I stroked it and then dscovered what the prhase "alive with fleas" actually means. and it all suddenly got a lot less cute...

    Nature is great looked at from a distance but when you get up close, it's always "Icky" in some way...

  • You don't find them cute? Like little flying mice? I picked one up once during a school trip to a stately home, and it was so cute,loking So I stroked it and then dscovered what the prhase "alive with fleas" actually means. and it all suddenly got a lot less cute...

    Nature is great looked at from a distance but when you get up close, it's always "Icky" in some way...

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