The Dr Who Dating Service (Created by Sparkly, not me)

'Who' will be your Valentine?

I'm not the most observant of people - in fact, I'm Artistic, and am on the wrong forum - but even I have noticed the billions of fans of Doctor Thingy on this board. And so, in the interests of intergalactic harmony and for a miniscule fee, I offer the forum members of that persuasion the chance of a lifetime, or perhaps several regenerations: an opportunity to meet and romance the Whovian of your dreams!

The Master...plan

Yes, you could be celebrating next year's Valentine's Day in the arms or metallic tentacles of the one you love. I will generously make all the matchmaking arrangements, simply by annoying the objects of your desires until they lose the will to live and agree to a date with you in a cafe in which I have no commercial or financial interests whatsoever. Shout-out to Steven's Cafe ltd. Anyway, all you have to do beforehand is reply here, telling the entire forum and the whole internet about your highly secret and private crush. So, what are you waiting for? Just look at these reviews from my satisfied clients:

'I'm suing you, you robbing git' - Mrs Ethel Pizza, Yorks.

'You set me up with my mum...' - Who fan, Glasgow.

'Leave me alone, you maniac' - The Master, space.

'Not a-bloody-gain...' - Q̶u̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶P̶o̶p̶e̶ ̶ Princess Sparkly, Sparkly HQ.

'Thanks to Steven's life-changing Dating Hair & Makeover Service, I'm a whole new person - previously, people said that I looked like a little old man; NOW they say I look like a little old woman' - Steven, Tardis Portakabin.

Photograph: Sparkly (centre) models her new shoes

  • I can't believe that you're still acting as if I'm competent! I mean, just look at the evidence!  Slight smile

  • Just tea and Missy! And of course a safe venue, perhaps with no cutlery she could use as a weapon. 

  • I love that episode!!!

    My favourite Dr is 11th

  • It's a good job that I failed hopelessly in setting up Pikl's meeting then, chief.

  • She’s killed people for less

  • This is hilarious. It made me laugh, my girlfriend just stared. She could never understand such brilliant humour!

  • I'm late because my Tardis was playing up. Honestly, those type 40's....

  •  "There's no scones in this tea, you cheapskate, Steve."

  • I’m sorry, that’s horrible to be in such distress but not truly seen or heard. 

    The Eccleston situation is a very interesting one. While I don’t think Russell T Davies in particular would ever have intentionally let his leading man down, he was under his own immense pressure trying to get a BBC that had forgotten how to do scifi back into a momentum that kept things on track. But the schedules kept sliding, actors were having to pull longer hours etc. to compensate. And there may have been some very wobbly stuff in that first block around safety and overworked technical crew etc. i think CE saw stuff that knocked his faith in the whole operation. That was during the first production block which was mostly eps 4 and 5 so you don’t see the ‘tells’ too badly. But yes, I think you had two key figures, each under a ton of pressure and the actor feeling very uncertain of how he was pitching it. Over Christmas of 2004 he decided to chuck it in, and so RTD had a very stressful Christmas of crisis talks, manoeuvreing Tennant in as an earlier than expected replacement and so on. And by the time you get to ‘are you my mummy?’ (Jan 2005 filming) CE is telling the child actors asking him if he’s the Doctor that ‘I am *for now*, yes’. So the clues are there even in the behind the scenes stuff that alL was not well. Anyway, I think they steadied the ship by year two but Chris was too shook and unwell to carry on. Burnout, grief, illness. 

  • @glitter that was meant to be a joke at my own expense (lack of self awareness) but I’m also aware that we all have blind spots around sarcasm etc. so I hope I didn’t offend. 

  • It really annoys me that most people in general will not see that there can be problems with mental health if someone isn’t acting (I don’t mean acting in the sense that’s what he was getting paid for) in the best way (I’m just presuming maybe he was also off with the people above him while it was being filmed which contributed). People are so quick to point fingers instead of trying to understand why. I saw a video on social media the other day where someone was loosing their s£&t at a car driving away, they clearly were at the end of their tether. But most of the comments were taking the Micky and laughing at him. It made me really sad as there has been at least 2 situations a very long time ago where I lost it in public, because I literally couldn’t cope anymore. No one asked if I was okay, they just stare in ‘that’ way. I really was not okay at all and in an incredibly dark place. 

  • He had a rough year. Eating disorder, his dad died during filming, he had a fallout with the producers and head writer, and then when he left the bbc made an error of judgement in attributing his departure to things he hadn’t said. He also believes (has said so at conventions, which he’s only just started doing this last year of so) that he was actively blackballed by the profession for a time after the fallout. And just a few years ago his mental health got so bad that he had to be checked into a hospital as he was at risk of… well, he wasn’t in a good place. Seems to be getting by now, and doing the audios during Covid saved his sanity I think! 

  • I didn’t actually know about any of that until I just googled it now. Such a shame, I thought he was brilliant in it. He’s a great actor. 

  • Considering how his year on the show went for him. Not fun! But his Doctor was amazing. 

  • Love Eccleston. He’s doing the odd audio story now which is cool. 

  • I met Tom once. It was like staring into the eyes of God. Situational mutism kicked in massively that day! 

  • I only ever liked Christopher Eccleston and David Tennant, lost all interest after that. I do of course have memories when I was younger of Tom Baker, mainly because of the scarf. 

  • I’d find a decisive top ten difficult. But definitely all time joint top for me is the Best A side and B side to regeneration ever made: Logopolis and Castrovalva. 

    After that… it would be a punch up between most of Seasons 18 and 19, (especially Kinda, WArriors’ Gate and Traken’ ) City of Death, Heaven Sent/Hell Bent, Androzani, and… oh I’ve run out of places probably.

    Easier to do a bottom five! 

  • That’s a handsome top 8. Love a lot of those choices.