Do you like DVDs or digital viewings?

I personally love DVDs! :) 

I like the covers on the cases, some are really nice and there's Holo moving ones too. I have a Paddington DVD case like that ^^

I watch digital sometimes but not very much now. I find that paying for something like Netflix or Disney+ means I could have bought it on DVD dozens of times, so now I just try and buy the DVDs instead.

I have a LOT of DVDs :-) I'm trying to get into watching them more as I've got a lot of free time on my hands.


Some of my DVDs:

I was doing some sorting so got these out but I've got lots more :) 

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  • in my mind your both issues create a branch which leads to:

    Matrix - How it begun ...

    In a board room of a company selling hibernation chambers:

    In 2011 the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) finally defined cloud services. The broadest one of them, loosely summed up and abbreviated into one sentence sounds like that: 

    IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-service) type of cloud services offering internet access to a network of client-serviceable and accessible computing resources with one crucial addition in the form of a device capable of storing and holding the client's physical form in a life supporting enclosed and isolated environment.

    Let’s make one more step forward and call it ''Time Capsule - the futuristic business plan for a whole of the humanity’’.