Missing the peace and quiet of lockdown. Wishing there was a pause button

Hi, I’ve been feeling very strong nostalgia for lockdown the past days- I miss the quiet, the peace, the empty streets, being able to work from home, not having to socialise in person except for possibly going on a walk with someone, it being acceptable to mainly socialise online, time moving more slowly, being able to live life at my rhythm ... - does anyone else feel this way? 

I am very burnt out and overwhelmed at the moment which I think is making me crave for a pause more than ever. Someone said to me recently that life does not have a pause button but that we crave that sometimes - which is exactly how I feel right now- I want life to pause, to forget about all the deadlines I have to meet, to just be able to exist with no pressure in my own bubble- I think lockdown was the closest I ever experienced to life being on pause. 

I hope I am not being insensitive here- the pandemic caused a lot of misery and the reasons that led to lockdown being necessary are bad - I just miss aspects of what life was like during lockdown and am in urgent need of a pause that I am not going to get.

  • Hello

    I aslo loved locked down. i learne alot from it my mental health improved because i didnt have to deal with trival matters toxic relationship. so now i do everything on my terms and when i want and stopped pleasing people or family. i though doing things and making myself ill mentally and physically would mean love, affection but its dosent and i think i was suffering from burn out. 

    I had family member died of covid and i had time to grieve by my self and  how i would, which isnt normal for other people. because people cant accept me or my autism. 


  • Hello

    I aslo loved locked down. i learne alot from it my mental health improved because i didnt have to deal with trival matters toxic relationship. so now i do everything on my terms and when i want and stopped pleasing people or family. i though doing things and making myself ill mentally and physically would mean love, affection but its dosent and i think i was suffering from burn out. 

    I had family member died of covid and i had time to grieve by my self and  how i would, which isnt normal for other people. because people cant accept me or my autism. 


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