Missing the peace and quiet of lockdown. Wishing there was a pause button

Hi, I’ve been feeling very strong nostalgia for lockdown the past days- I miss the quiet, the peace, the empty streets, being able to work from home, not having to socialise in person except for possibly going on a walk with someone, it being acceptable to mainly socialise online, time moving more slowly, being able to live life at my rhythm ... - does anyone else feel this way? 

I am very burnt out and overwhelmed at the moment which I think is making me crave for a pause more than ever. Someone said to me recently that life does not have a pause button but that we crave that sometimes - which is exactly how I feel right now- I want life to pause, to forget about all the deadlines I have to meet, to just be able to exist with no pressure in my own bubble- I think lockdown was the closest I ever experienced to life being on pause. 

I hope I am not being insensitive here- the pandemic caused a lot of misery and the reasons that led to lockdown being necessary are bad - I just miss aspects of what life was like during lockdown and am in urgent need of a pause that I am not going to get.

  • Good times, people keeping away from me, no one expecting me to shake hands or trying to make small talk with me, plenty of space in the shops because the number of people in the shop was limited.  I was on universal credit the whole time, the extra £20 per week was very very welcome, kept me from starving and allowed me to pay all my bills.

    Not all good, it took me a year to get used to face masks, my glasses kept getting steamed up.  I hated the long long queues outside the supermarket ( in the rain or in the burning sun).

  • Good times, people keeping away from me, no one expecting me to shake hands or trying to make small talk with me, plenty of space in the shops because the number of people in the shop was limited.  I was on universal credit the whole time, the extra £20 per week was very very welcome, kept me from starving and allowed me to pay all my bills.

    Not all good, it took me a year to get used to face masks, my glasses kept getting steamed up.  I hated the long long queues outside the supermarket ( in the rain or in the burning sun).

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