Things that don't seem right

I ordered lemon shower gel recently on my online shopping and it was substituted with Mango. When I started using it the smell made me think of eating/ drinking. I am used to lemon perfume in cleaning products but this didn't make me think of a cleansing product. Are there things other people think are not quite right?

  • Root beer!  That stuff definitely isn't right at all.

    I had my first taste me, it is an unholy blend of Germoline and Listerine flavour.

    Shudder.  Never again.

  • I've never tried Root Beer, and after reading your description of it, I think it's unlikely that I ever will. However, should I happen to graze my knee, perhaps it could prove to be a useful addition to my first aid kit. Wink Laughing

  • No Sparkly, I urge anyone who remembers Germoline to get a can of Root beet for the experience.  It was a really incredible smell and taste experience for me - very nostalgic and extremely weird.   Never again, but I was pleased to have the "incredible" experience.  I'd be interested to know if people have the same experience as me.

  • Lol.  I also love the smell of germoline.  Maybe that's because it reminds me of root beer! Sweat smile

  • it reminds me of summer days in the garden.

    ....walking around after my mum had patched up a badly grazed knee with a generous splattering of Germoline = me too !!

  • I'm going to upset you all by saying I love root beer.  But then I spent some of my formative years in the USA and devoured plenty of root beer flavour ice lollies which we called Popsicles.  I have no idea how to explain the flavour of it except that it reminds me of summer days in the garden.

    Conversely, we had a lot of fun making our American friends taste marmite and watching their expressions of disgust. 

    I think often it's just a case of what flavours you're used to.

  • I'm going to upset you all by saying I love root beer.  But then I spent some of my formative years in the USA and devoured plenty of root beer flavour ice lollies which we called Popsicles.  I have no idea how to explain the flavour of it except that it reminds me of summer days in the garden.

    Conversely, we had a lot of fun making our American friends taste marmite and watching their expressions of disgust. 

    I think often it's just a case of what flavours you're used to.
