Things that don't seem right

I ordered lemon shower gel recently on my online shopping and it was substituted with Mango. When I started using it the smell made me think of eating/ drinking. I am used to lemon perfume in cleaning products but this didn't make me think of a cleansing product. Are there things other people think are not quite right?

  • I use fruity smelling shampoo to wash my hair and body which remind me of how chewits smelt as a child.  I looked at the ingredients in some things that are marketed as shampoos/body washes/hand washes to see some have the exact same ingredients.  Finding this out years ago made me use shampoo to wash my hands and body, as a bathroom cleaner and many other things.  This was a great  realisation for me because any shampoos I suddenly develop an allergy to become my bathroom cleaner.  I also make my own cleaners from vodka and essential oils which works so much better for me than some cleaners that give me headaches.  I also own a steam cleaner which I use when I can be bothered setting it up for a hardcore deep clean.

    Due to my heightened senses:

    I hate the smell and taste of tinned sweetcorn but can tolerate frozen sweetcorn and love corn on the cob.  I love fresh broccoli because the texture is wonderful but frozen has a strange texture to me although I can eat it.  The pleasure of eating it changes a lot from this though.

    I can eat organic fruits and veggies but some non organic ones make my mouth itch and become fiery.  I suspect it's the chemicals they are sprayed with because often I can taste chemicals on the skins of even my organic fruits and veggies.  It's so annoying because organic is more expensive but luckily I don't buy meat anymore so that cuts my grocery list down considerably.  I do thoroughly wash all my veggies and fruits so the chemical taste is less intense....

    I love all animals yet I get blisters on my hands if I touch them.  I can pet kittens without a reaction but not adult cats and I can touch some lurchers without a reaction.  I'm perplexed as to why this is.  It's a pain because I can't visit friends who have pets because I start to get itchy in my throat and my breathing is strained this is without touching their pets.  I seem to be okay outdoors though.  Bizarre I know.

    I seem to be very sensitive to sugar.  I stopped drinking in my 20s because any amount/type of alcohol made me have a hangover for easily a week.  Even one glass of something.  I recently noticed my mood was all over the place if I'd eaten anything with sugar except fruits.  I gave up sugar two months ago and despite the occasional blip in my mood, I am a different person moodwise.  It's astonishing.  It's really tough because sugar is in even "healthy" snacks but I feel much better for it and that's what counts.

  • I can touch some lurchers without a reaction.  I'm perplexed as to why this is.

    If you are ever lucky enough to encounter a "normal" poodle of any description, an Afghan Wolfhound or Schnauzer dog (both long shaggy affairs in terms of hair for the later examples - short tight and curled for the former) it would be interesting to see if you similarly didn't react in terms of allergy.  I can optomistically predict [based on citizen science] that you would be fine.  I can assure you that, if Lurchers don't set you off, there will be a healthy selection of other hypoallergenic dogs that won't too.  It sounds like you are prepared to keep "chancing your arm" in the hope that you can enjoy dogs from time to time = very good.

    Thanks for sharing your interesting sensitivities and mitigations - I'm very tempted by the sugar block for myself....I'd rather dare that one more than the caffeine free - I think I'd just fold over and stop !!

  • I'm sensitive to some "hypoallergenic" dogs as I cuddled a labradoodle since as the person reassured me that her highly allergic husband wasn't allergic.  My hands were itching like ants crawling over me about 2 minutes afterwards.  I suspect it was the Labrador part as that's a type of dog I blister badly with.

    I lead a very restricted life because of sensitivities:

    1. I don't have caffeine because it makes me wired like I'm on an amphetamine.

    2. I gave up smoking in my 20s because it smells gross and I as worried about what it was doing to my lungs.

    3. I gave up alcohol in my 20s because I was having bad reactions to it.

    4. I gave up experimenting with drugs in my 20s because I was fearful of losing my mind - I didn't do that many compared to my friends at the time.

    5. I gave up meat 3 months ago because I traumatised myself watching a slaughter video by mistake.

    6. I gave up sugar a month ago when I researched it and saw just how dangerous it actually is and how food manufacturers and the medicine industry work together without thought for peoples health, only profit.

    7. I gave up trying to live as I think others expect me to.

    8. I gave up trying using online dating to meet a partner.

    9. I gave up imagining what it'd be like to have a partner.

    10. I gave up instigating contact with friends but I do check in every so often because I care.  I sometimes feel my friendships are one sided but I know the is my negative tinted glasses appearing again.

  • I'm sensitive to some "hypoallergenic" dogs as I cuddled a labradoodle since as the person reassured me that her highly allergic husband wasn't allergic.  My hands were itching like ants crawling over me about 2 minutes afterwards.  I suspect it was the Labrador part as that's a type of dog I blister badly with.

    I lead a very restricted life because of sensitivities:

    1. I don't have caffeine because it makes me wired like I'm on an amphetamine.

    2. I gave up smoking in my 20s because it smells gross and I as worried about what it was doing to my lungs.

    3. I gave up alcohol in my 20s because I was having bad reactions to it.

    4. I gave up experimenting with drugs in my 20s because I was fearful of losing my mind - I didn't do that many compared to my friends at the time.

    5. I gave up meat 3 months ago because I traumatised myself watching a slaughter video by mistake.

    6. I gave up sugar a month ago when I researched it and saw just how dangerous it actually is and how food manufacturers and the medicine industry work together without thought for peoples health, only profit.

    7. I gave up trying to live as I think others expect me to.

    8. I gave up trying using online dating to meet a partner.

    9. I gave up imagining what it'd be like to have a partner.

    10. I gave up instigating contact with friends but I do check in every so often because I care.  I sometimes feel my friendships are one sided but I know the is my negative tinted glasses appearing again.

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