Autistic emojis

Chatting with a fellow autistic we have developed and emoji code and I thought I would share it here as it has made us laugh.

Please add to the list if you have any ideas!


  • Great idea. I love this post, it is fun.

    I particularly like the small talk and alone time emojis.

    Confounded or PensiveWhen you have no safe foods available 

    When you enter a room full of people and all the attention is on you/you are expected to make small talk about inconsequential or obvious matters like the weather. You just want to hide/become invisible. 

    Thinking When you know the answer to a question because it is one of your dedicated interests but are not confident enough in the  social group to say so.

    Smile Sharing autistic humour and funny examples of our own literal thinking 

    Open mouth When visitors unexpectedly arrive at your home and you are panicking 

    Disappointed The feeling of disappointment/sadness when I can’t find my autistic pride T-shirts/disappointment when your favourite brand has changed their packaging.

    Grin Autistic Joy and autistic interests.

  • Great idea. I love this post, it is fun.

    I particularly like the small talk and alone time emojis.

    Confounded or PensiveWhen you have no safe foods available 

    When you enter a room full of people and all the attention is on you/you are expected to make small talk about inconsequential or obvious matters like the weather. You just want to hide/become invisible. 

    Thinking When you know the answer to a question because it is one of your dedicated interests but are not confident enough in the  social group to say so.

    Smile Sharing autistic humour and funny examples of our own literal thinking 

    Open mouth When visitors unexpectedly arrive at your home and you are panicking 

    Disappointed The feeling of disappointment/sadness when I can’t find my autistic pride T-shirts/disappointment when your favourite brand has changed their packaging.

    Grin Autistic Joy and autistic interests.

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