What do you like most about your home?

I was just talking to this lovely nurse and was explaining that going outside makes me anxious because of the people and unfamiliar surroundings and she asked me what I like most about my home and what makes it safe for me. And I thought that would be interesting to ask here as well, if you're comfortable to say of course :) 

I like a lot of things about my home. All my favourite possessions are there. It's peaceful and I know I'm always comfortable and happy there. And probably the best thing is it's in the countryside.

Not a lot I know but they are big things for me.

Parents Reply
  • Forgive my bluntness (and there have been a few 'Luna's in my time here.....so i could have the wrong Luna) .but I believe that this is the blessed soul who has prematurely left this mortal coil.  She died a while back.  It was big.  I was very sad.  She was a SUPER solid human.

  • She had her sheet together.  She knew the game.  She played it here with considerable style.  I believe she still plays, equally well (but more contentedly... and with no unnecessary pain) elsewhere now.

    Always look up.

  • Oh dear. I have her as a friend on here. She must have had more than one account.

    Well that's just sums up the day for me.  Horrific news.

    It's the vulnerable souls in the world that are crushed like butterflies.  I believe I am paraphrasing someone else's words there but it is very true.

    Rest In Peace.

  • Yep....just checked... she is the soul who has passed.  Bless her memory, and her soul.  RIP.